
How can the new ISO standards transform your business towards sustainability?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has just published a package of three new standards intended to help organizations implement and measure the circular economy. They are ISO 59004, 59010 and 59020. These standards are fundamental to facilitate the transition towards more sustainable and efficient business models.

From CIRCE - Technology Center we have actively participated in the definition of these standards as part of the Circular Economy Committee of the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), collaborating with experts, scientists and other organizations to establish the basis of the circular economy and how it should be implemented.  

Any company or organization of all types and sizes can implement these new ISO standards as a reference framework. Although they are not certifiable, they offer valuable guidance for implementing and measuring circular economy practices.  

If you don't know them yet, we explain what each one consists of. 


ISO 59004: Circular Economy - Vocabulary, principles and implementation guidelines

ISO 59004 establishes an agreed set of circular economy terms and principles. It provides an implementation framework and action points that make it easier for companies to transition to a circular model. With this standard, you will be able to:

  • Understand the key concepts of the circular economy.
  • Adopt a common language that facilitates communication and collaboration among all stakeholders.
  • Define and apply circular economy principles in your daily operations. 


ISO 59010: Circular Economy - Guidance for the transition of business models and value networks

ISO 59010 provides detailed guidance for organizations to move towards circular business models. This standard makes it easier for organizations to:

  • Identify key areas of their business that need transformation.
  • Establish clear objectives and develop them strategically to adopt sustainable business models.
  • Collaborate effectively with partners and suppliers in the transition to a circular model. 


ISO 59020: Circular Economy - Circularity performance measurement and evaluation

ISO 59020 provides tools, methods and indicators to measure and analyze the circularity performance of organizations. This standard helps to:

  • Evaluate the efficiency of implemented circular practices.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in terms of sustainability.
  • Demonstrate the positive impact of sustainability efforts through clear indicators and metrics. 


Two more new standards in sight

Two other new standards are expected to be published in the coming months (between June and July): ISO 59040: Circular Economy - Product Circularity Factsheet and ISO 59014: Environmental Management and Circular Economy - Sustainability and Traceability in the Recovery of Secondary Materials - Principles and Requirements.

The former aims to provide guidance for the definition and exchange of a product circularity data sheet. It considers the type, content and format of information to be provided, and is intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of their type, size and nature. It aims to facilitate the communication and management of product circularity throughout the product life cycle.  

The second seeks to establish principles, requirements and guidance for sustainability and traceability in the recovery of secondary materials. It provides a framework to ensure that recovered materials are managed in a sustainable and traceable manner, which is crucial to closing the materials cycle and reducing environmental impact. 


How can CIRCE - Technology Center help you?

At CIRCE - Technology Center we can help you in the implementation of the new standards, providing you with the necessary support to adopt more sustainable and efficient practices. In addition, our commitment includes:

  • Diagnosis and assessment: we conduct energy audits, water audits and sustainability assessments to identify opportunities for improvement in energy efficiency and emissions reduction.
  • Strategy development: we help design and implement customized decarbonization plans and circular economy roadmaps, aligned with best practices and current regulations.
  • Technological innovation: we collaborate in R&D projects for the development of clean technologies and innovative solutions.
  • Training and education: we offer training programs to enable work teams to implement sustainable practices.
  • Access to financing: we assist in identifying and applying for funds and grants for sustainability and energy efficiency projects. 


Are you ready to take the next step towards the circular economy?

Implementing these new ISO standards can transform your business, making it more resilient and prepared for the future. At CIRCE we can offer you the tools and support you need to make this transition successfully.


Recycling and circular economy

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