
Legal disclaimer

Before using our site, we recommend that you carefully read the terms and conditions for accessing this address and any page or link inserted in it. In case of access you agree to comply with the terms and conditions below.

1. Identification data

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the Owner is Fundación CIRCE - Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos (hereinafter, "CIRCE" or the "Foundation"), its I.F. is G-50556091, its address is Parque Empresarial Dinamiza, Edificio 3D, 1ª planta, 50018, Zaragoza (Spain) and the contact is

2. User Acceptance

The contents of this site are protected by intellectual property laws. These contents must be used in a correct and lawful manner by whoever makes use of them and, more specifically, the user is obliged to use such contents in an appropriate manner in accordance with current legislation.

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It is forbidden the transmission through any possible means or form of the contents and information that the user can make to this website or any other derived from this page that may infringe the property rights of third parties, be obscene, pornographic, defamatory, threatening or material that may be considered by the current legislation as a crime under the provisions of the Penal Code in force or its future amendments.

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3. Access to the web and use of passwords

In the use by the user of the website, the user is obliged to notify the CIRCE Foundation immediately through the channels indicated above of any event that allows the improper use of identifiers and/or passwords, such as theft, loss or detection of unauthorized access to the page or pages derived from them and that require such credentials, in order to proceed to their immediate cancellation.

4. Modification of the legal notice

CIRCE Foundation reserves the right to unilaterally modify the configuration of this page or the services provided therein, at any time and without prior notice. If you do not agree with the following terms or conditions, please do not access this address or any page or link of the same.

5. Limitations, warranties and liabilities

The user of the page or any of the pages that may derive from it, shall be liable for any damages that CIRCE Foundation may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of breach of any of the obligations arising from the provisions of this legal notice.

CIRCE Foundation shall not be liable for any damages, including without limit of damages, losses or direct or indirect expenses inherent in or resulting from the use of the site or the pages derived from it.

In case of judicial requirement, CIRCE Foundation will collaborate with the relevant authorities in identifying the persons responsible for those contents that may violate the law.

CIRCE Foundation shall not be liable in the event of failure in performance, error, omission, interruption, delay in the operation of transmission, computer virus, system or line failure, as well as in the content, accuracy and opinions expressed and other connections provided by these means.

6. Intellectual and industrial property

The logos of the CIRCE Foundation are registered trademarks and identify the services provided. Likewise, you may claim trademark and service identification trademark rights over the trademarks belonging to your group or company and appearing on the Web Site.

The Intellectual Property Rights of these pages, of the screens they display and of the information and material appearing on them, as well as their layout, belong to the CIRCE Foundation, unless otherwise indicated.

7. Third party links

In the event that the page or any page derived from it should contain links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, including social networks, CIRCE Foundation shall not exercise any control over such sites and content. In no case shall CIRCE Foundation assume any responsibility for the content of links belonging to another website, nor shall it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, validity, constitutionality and accuracy of the content of such external links or hyperlinks to the page or pages of CIRCE Foundation.

The CIRCE Foundation is exempt from any relationship, association, participation or merger with external pages that may be included in the CIRCE Foundation page or pages derived from it.

Some links will be previously negotiated or agreed with the party responsible for the linked content, in order to generate a consideration for the actions carried out freely by the User. In any case, this fact shall in no case affect the exclusion of responsibility for the linked content or the independence of this media.

8. Data protection

The user of the page or pages derived from it owned by the CIRCE Foundation may obtain information regarding the treatment of personal data managed on the CIRCE Foundation page or any page owned by CIRCE and derived from it. This information can be found by the user in the Privacy Policy tab.

9. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish law.

Provided that the applicable legislation so permits, the users of the page and the CIRCE Foundation submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Zaragoza (Spain) for the resolution of conflicts, renouncing any other jurisdiction that may be applicable to them.

Last update: 14/06/2023