

Board of trustees

General Management
Deputy General Management
  1. Industry and Energy Area
    1. Industry group
    2. Circular Economy Group
    3. ICT Integration Group
  2. Electric Systems Area
    1. Electric Networks Infrastructure Group
    2. Electric Networks Infrastructure Group
    3. Grupo de Sistemas Electrónicos
    4. Renewable Generation Analysis and Optimization Group
  3. People and Finance Unit Management
    1. Accounting and Taxation Section
    2. Administration Section
    3. Internal Control Section
    4. People and Talent Section
    5. Legal Services Section
    6. Administrative and Financial Project Management Section
  4. Management of the Financing and Transfer Unit
    1. Brussels Delegation Section
    2. Proposal Preparation Section
    3. Technical Project Management Section
    4. Market Development Section
    5. Communication and Marketing Section
    6. Customer Focus Section
  5. Systems Unit Management
    1. Quality and Sustainability Section
    2. Purchasing and Infrastructure Section
    3. IT Section
    4. Occupational Risk Prevention (PRL) Section


Andrés Llombart
General Management
Elena Calvo
Deputy General Management
Eduardo Cembrano
Industry and Energy Area
Samuel Borroy
Electric Systems Area
Sara Olivera
People and Finance Unit Management
David Rodríguez
Funding and Transfer Unit Management
Jose Luis Vadillo
Systems Unit Management