
Cookies policy

In compliance with Article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), in relation to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27, 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), the Website's Cookie Collection and Processing Policy is made available to users.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a user's or device's browsing habits and, depending on the information they contain and how the device is used, they can be used to recognize the user. The user's browser stores cookies on the hard drive only during the current session, occupying minimal memory space and not harming the computer. Cookies do not contain any specific personal information, and most are deleted from the hard drive at the end of the browsing session (so-called session cookies).

Most browsers accept cookies as a standard and, regardless of them, allow or block temporary or stored cookies in the security settings.

Without your explicit consent—by enabling cookies in your browser—we will not link the stored data in the cookies to your personal data provided during registration or purchase.


What cookies does this website use?

First-party cookies: These are sent to your computer or device by our Web Services and are managed exclusively by us.

Technical cookies: These allow users to navigate a website, platform, or application and use different options or services, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying sessions, accessing restricted areas, remembering items in a shopping cart, processing orders, registering for events, using security elements, storing content for video or audio, or sharing content through social networks. The legal basis for processing this type of cookie is the legitimate interest of the data controller, and they are stored for a maximum of 30 days. Some technical cookies are session cookies, meaning they remain on your device until you end the session or close the browser.

Functional cookies: These improve the functionality of the website and offer greater personalization based on user interactions. They may be set by us or third-party providers.

Personalization cookies: These allow users to access services with predefined features based on criteria in the user's device, such as language, browser type, or regional settings.

Analytical or measurement cookies: These track and analyze user behavior on linked websites, including measuring the impact of ads. Information collected through these cookies is used to improve website performance. The legal basis for processing these cookies is the user’s consent, and they are stored for up to 2 years.

Advertising cookies: These are used by us or third parties to manage ad spaces on the website efficiently. They adapt ad content to the requested service or your web usage by analyzing your browsing habits to show you relevant ads based on your profile.

Behavioral advertising cookies: These efficiently manage ad spaces on the website, application, or platform. They store user behavior information by continuously observing browsing habits, allowing the creation of a specific profile to show targeted advertising.

Social media cookies: These are created by social media platforms (such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) to enable users to share content with their networks. These cookies can track your browsing across other websites and build a profile of your interests, influencing the content and messages you see on various sites.

Third-party cookies: This website may use third-party services to collect information for statistical purposes, track website usage, and offer other services related to website activity and internet use.


What third-party cookies does this website use?

In particular, this website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., located in the United States at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. To provide these services, Google Analytics uses cookies that collect information, including the user’s IP address, which is transmitted, processed, and stored by Google under the terms outlined on This may include the potential transfer of such information to third parties for legal reasons or when those third parties process the information on behalf of Google. These cookies fall into the category of Analytical cookies based on their purpose.

TypeNameOwnershipPurposeRetention Period
TechnicalSESS*OwnStores the user’s session identifier and is used by the content management system to interact with the user in a personalized manner.1 month
Technicalaviso_cookies_revisadoOwnIndicates whether the user has reviewed the cookie information and accepted any of the options presented to them.3 months
Technicalacepta_cookies_*OwnStores the user's preference regarding consent for the use of different types of cookies on the website.3 months
Analytical_gaThird-party (Google)This cookie generates a unique user ID and records the date, as well as the first and last time the user visited the website. It is used to count how many times a unique user visits the site.2 years
Analytical_gidThird-party (Google)

This cookie records the time of arrival on the page and expires after 24 hours. It is used to calculate how long a user stays on a page.

24 hours
Analytical_gatThird-party (Google)

It is used to limit the rate of requests.

1 minute

You can find more information about the data processing related to these cookies by accessing Google's privacy policy at the following link:


Links to Third-Party Sites

The website contains links to third-party sites, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, whose privacy policies are not under our control. When accessing such sites, you may choose to accept their privacy and cookie policies. To understand the privacy and cookie usage conditions, you should review the policies provided by those sites:


Disclosure of Personal Data

Except for legal obligations and the aforementioned third-party cookies, no personal data contained in cookies is anticipated to be shared or transferred internationally.


How to Withdraw Consent, Block, or Delete Cookies

Withdrawing consent will prevent the storage of further cookies for which consent was withdrawn, but it will not delete cookies that have already been stored.

You have the option to allow, block, or delete cookies installed on your device through your browser settings. Disabling cookies may result in some services becoming non-operational. The process for disabling cookies varies by browser but is typically found in the Tools or Options menu. You can also consult the browser’s Help menu for instructions.

You can choose which cookies you want to operate on this website at any time by configuring your browser. For example:

For more information on the cookie directive, please refer to the Official State Bulletin published on March 31, 2012, which transposes the directives on electronic communications. You can also consult the directive at the Information Commissioner’s Office (in English).