
The first results of SMARTSPEND presented at the SET Plan Steering Group meeting

The first SMARTSPEND report includes recommendations for a more efficient and effective use of national and European funds for clean energy

The partners of the SMARTSPEND project, EUREC and CIRCE Foundation, presented the project and its first report to the Steering Group of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET) on April 30 in Brussels. 

The report, 'Overlapping interests: a description of the common ground between the implementation plans', focuses on the overlays and synergies between the different Implementation Plans (also called IMPLANs) developed within the framework of the ten key actions defined in the Plan SET. 

In addition, the report describes how it makes more efficient use of national and European public funding for research and development and innovation within the energy sector. Carlos Arsuaga, of the CIRCE Foundation, presented the main goal of the report, its objectives and methodology. 

The consortium has analyzed and described 23 technological synergies between IMPLAN activities budgeted with more than 5,000 million euros, as well as non-technological issues, factors that can hinder or boost the development of research and innovation activities and the acceptance of their results by part of the market - in the areas of financing, policies and regulations, social and environmental issues, certification and standardization and education and training. 

Greg Arrowsmith, the EUREC policy advisor, gave an overview of SMARTSPEND, a three-year project that runs through December 2021. 

SMARTSPEND explores how investments in clean energy R&D can be made in a coordinated manner and how they can be increased. SMARTSPEND is working on six reports that will be disseminated among national governments and organizations interested in developing new innovative energy technologies. 

Among the tasks of the project is the organization of a high-level conference in 2020 to help innovative agents in clean energy to access venture capital from public and private sources. The first SMARTSPEND report, ‘Overlapping interests: a description of the common ground between the implementation plans’, is available on the official SMARTSPEND website

Stay informed about the latest news from SMARTSPEND through the hashtag #SMARTSPEND_EU on Twitter and through the subscription of the project newsletter

SMARTSPEND in three points:

  • Three-year project (2018-2021) developed by eleven expert partners from all over Europe.
  • Goal: a more efficient and effective use of national and European funding for research, development and innovation in the energy sector.
  • Objectives:
    • Promote efficiency in the allocation of public and private funds.
    • Better inform interested parties by preparing and disseminating six reports; and dissemination based on commitment to policy makers.
  • SMARTSPEND brochure and logo is available here.

SMARTSPEND partners and sectors 

SMARTSPEND partners were chosen for their links with companies and research centers in clean energy fields. 

This will allow project results to be widely disseminated, including: 

  • an analysis of the financing needs of the industry; 
  • a map of financing instruments for energy innovation; 
  • Recommendations for alternative models of sectoral organization at European Union level, and recommendations to support innovation in energy technology;
  • EUREC - The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers: scientific coordinator CIRCE Foundation - Center for Research on Energy Resources and Consumption): process industry EASE - European Association for Energy Storage: energy storage ECTP - European platform for construction technology: energy efficient buildings and construction EGEC - European Geothermal Energy Council: geothermal energy EMIRI - Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative: Advanced Materials for Clean Energy and Clean Mobility Technologies ESTELA - European Solar Thermal Electricity Association: Concentrated Solar Energy Ocean Energy Europe: ocean energy The German Renewable Resources Agency (FNR) - bioenergy WIP Renewable Energies: photovoltaic ZABALA Innovation Consulting: smart energy networks.
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