
CIRCE achieves 9 new H2020 European projects with which it captures more than 5.8 million in 2019

This funding from the European Commission will allow the technology center to advance innovative technologies in the field of energy and the environment Nine new projects with which CIRCE will attract more than 5.8 million euros. This is the balance achieved by the Aragonese technology center so far this year, figures that strengthen its success rate by more than 65% in its proposals coordinated in the prestigious and competitive European program Horizon 2020. The relevance of this figure It is evident when compared with the average success rate of European (11.7%) or Spanish (12.8%) entities. This financing will help CIRCE start nine projects in different areas of renewable energy. The themes cover multiple areas of knowledge, all of them at the forefront of innovation in the energy, sustainability and environmental sectors. Within the scope of the electricity networks, CIRCE will work to develop solutions in the management and control of the electricity network, will foster cooperation between countries to promote developments that facilitate cross-border electricity flows, will promote efficient integration of batteries within the electricity network and It will guarantee the correct operation of the distribution network with a large renewable generation rate. In addition, CIRCE will introduce innovative technologies in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency, develop the potential of the islands of the European Union, ensure the use and circularity of biobased raw materials in industrial processes and help eight European cities to create more sustainable urban environments. The results of what we have of 2019, certify the positive trend experienced by CIRCE since the Horizon 2020 program began. Thus, since 2014, CIRCE has managed to participate in 52 projects, coordinating 18 of them. In total, these projects have meant a European grant attraction for Spanish partners of more than 60 million Euros, with 50% of these funds being collected in Aragonese entities.


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