
San Jorge University will provide a degree in energy and environment engineering

CIRCE, together with other research centers and companies in the energy sector, have supported the creation and definition of this degree that comprehensively contemplates all energy sources and their environmental repercussions

Training professionals with a complete vision of the energy sector, of the associated technologies and their possible environmental repercussions is the objective of the new degree of Energy and Environment Engineering that will begin to be taught by the San Jorge University next year 2015-2016. 

The details of these studies have been announced in an act chaired by the Minister of Industry and Innovation, Arturo Aliaga and the rector of the USJ, Carlos Pérez Caseiras, who have also been attended by representatives of different companies in the sector, since they It means that the degree is close to their needs and that students can complete their learning in these companies to obtain the qualification and experience required by the international market. 

Thus, the degree will combine engineering, energy and environmental subjects adapted to a sector that has a growing demand for professionals with this specialization. 

CIRCE has been one of the representatives that has supported the creation of this degree, along with other agents in the sector such as Endesa, ARAID, ADES, IDOM, Brial Taim Weser, Samca Group, ADES, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) , SAICA, Zoilo Ríos, the Foundation for the development of new hydrogen technologies, among others. 

In the presentation, Arturo Aliaga has valued the implementation of these studies “that involve thinking about the future, because specialists are needed to solve energy problems from points of view as diverse as those of efficiency, the environment, the generation, distribution or consumption, but that are present every day in our lives. ”

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