
Network quality: fundamentals and application

The reliability and security of the electricity supply is an issue on which electricity companies are investing more and more effort. Specialise in grid quality and you will be able to evaluate electrical behaviour from a theoretical and practical point of view.

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Interesting information about the course

This course is only available in Spanish

Next Edition

6 September






950 €

Description of the course

The reliability and security of the electricity supply is an issue on which electricity companies are investing more and more effort.

The growing incorporation of renewable energies into the electricity system involves a risk situation given the variability of these resources and their special operating conditions. For this reason, new generation plants must meet minimum grid quality requirements at the connection point in order to obtain a connection permit.

In addition to new generation plants, there are existing facilities that may be affected, such as industries (with equipment sensitive to harmonics, flicker...) that wish to install renewable generation for self-consumption or grid elements such as substations.

CIRCE has extensive experience both in field measurements of grid quality and in the analysis of the data obtained, as well as in carrying out the necessary evaluations by simulating the grid in appropriate software.

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Course Objectives

Participants will be equipped with the ability to assess the electrical performance and quality of electricity production from a theoretical and practical point of view.


Mastering network quality and measurement procedures


Interpretation of standards and generation modelling


Analysis of simulations and harmonic solutions

Course Syllabus

  • Electricity generation
  • Quality of service

  • Grid quality parametersFrequency
  • Voltage variations
  • Flicker
  • Gaps and overvoltages
  • Harmonics and interharmonics
  • Unbalances

  • Causes
  • Effects
  • Possible solutions

  • IEC 61000-4-30
  • EN 50160
  • IEC 61400-21

  • Analysers
  • Probes and accessories
  • Analysis software

  • Definition of the main elements of a generation plant
  • Analysis of possible solutions to correct harmonics
  • Case study: analysis and assessment of harmonics, flicker and unbalances in a renewable generation plant
  • Licence with Powerfactory DIgSILENT for use in: harmonics analysis in power plants, load flows, shorts, unlimited RMS and EMT dynamic nodes, script, contingencies and quasi-dynamics.

What does this course provide you?

Specially directed to

  • Consolidating network quality concepts
  • To know the procedure for carrying out network quality measurements.
  • Interpreting and applying network quality standards
  • Modelling the main parameters affecting grid quality in generation plants.
  • Interpret the results obtained by simulation (in the commercial software PowerFactory DIgSILENT).
  • Analyse possible solutions to eliminate harmonics from the grid.

Course Instructors

Natalia Lapuente

Ingeniería Eléctrica

+5 años en integración e impacto en redes de energías renovables y sistemas de generación de los Grid Codes

Juan José Pérez

+10 años en Técnico Analista del LME-CIRCE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can contact Cristina Rubio directly: