Supra-harmonics: how do they impact the lifetime of your industry's electrical assets?

The reliability and stability of the power supply are fundamental aspects in an increasingly energy-dependent world. One of the emerging challenges in this area is the management of supraharmonics, a phenomenon that has gained relevance in recent years and whose existence questions the reliability of the various assets that make up the electrical system.
What are supraharmonics?
Supraharmonics are, fundamentally, high-frequency harmonic components in the range of 9 kHz to 150 kHz. These high-frequency harmonics, mainly generated by switching systems present in power electronics such as inverters, controlled rectifiers, electric vehicle chargers, storage systems, and wind turbines, negatively affect electrical installations if not properly managed.
What are the impacts of supraharmonics on the electrical grid?
Their effects are diverse and concerning, including:
- Audible tones: which can be annoying for people in their surroundings.
- Accelerated aging of components: continuous exposure to these frequencies reduces the lifespan of electrical equipment due to the occurrence of overvoltages in low-voltage lines.
- Failures in large power transformers: the accumulation of these harmonics can cause overheating and premature failures in transformers and other critical equipment.
Do you know how supraharmonics affect the capacitor banks in your electrical installation?
In industrial environments, it is common to encounter equipment that represents non-linear loads, which generate supraharmonics during operation. These, in turn, begin to create problems and deteriorate the rest of the equipment connected to the network. One of the first to be affected and to exhibit abnormal symptoms are the capacitor banks used for reactive compensation. They are highly sensitive to supraharmonics, leading to rapid deterioration of their compensation capacity and eventual destruction of the capacitors, necessitating frequent replacement with new components.
CIRCE: a leader in solutions for supraharmonic measurement
At CIRCE - Technological Center, we are aware of the importance of these phenomena and have been developing innovative solutions to address these challenges for several years. Our "ready-to-market" solutions are designed to measure these and many other grid quality parameters, ensuring appropriate system stability.
- Use of power quality analyzers and high-speed acquisition systems: advanced equipment incorporating supraharmonic measurement methods in compliance with the latest standards, ensuring exceptional accuracy and reliability.
- Consulting and technical advisory: specialized services to help companies identify, measure, and mitigate the effects of supraharmonics and other grid quality parameters in their industries.
- Research and development: we continue innovating and developing new technologies to improve the quality and stability of the electrical grid, staying at the forefront of grid quality research.
Managing supraharmonics is essential for the stability and reliability of the power supply in an environment experiencing increased adoption of renewable energy technologies and electrification of transport. At CIRCE, we are committed to developing advanced solutions that enable companies to confidently face these challenges. Our technologies and services ensure complete and precise stability of the electrical system, guaranteeing that the grid operates efficiently and reliably.