
The Great Potential of Energy Communities: Savings, Sustainability, and Energy Independence

How to understand the energy communities and their potential

In a world increasingly committed to transitioning to a sustainable energy model, energy communities (ECs) have emerged as a key solution to democratize energy, promote the use of renewable sources, and strengthen citizen participation.

As explained in the blog article The Key to Form an Energy Community, this concept enables citizens, companies, and local entities to come together to generate, consume, and manage energy collaboratively. The ultimate goal of such associations is to promote positive social and environmental impacts.

According to the 2023 Indicator Report by the National Energy Communities Observatory, there are a total of 353 communities across Spain. The Basque Country leads in the numer of energy communities aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement, aiming to drive descarbonization, sustainability, inclusion and local cooperation. By fostering a cleaner and more participatory energy model, ECs demonstrate that fulfilling global climate commitment can begin at the local level. 

With regard to Aragon, according to the map created by Energía Común, there are 23 Energy Communities. Broken down by province, Huesca ranks first with 13 projects, followed by Zaragoza with 6, and Teruel with 4. 

How Can Being Part of an Energy Community Benefit You?

These initiatives not only empower citizens but also contribute significantly to a more sustainable, inclusive, and decentralized energy model. Their benefits can be grouped as follows:

  • Economic Benefits: Reduced energy costs, local job creation, reinvestment in the community.
  • Environmental Benefits: Promotion of renewable energy sources, commitment to decarbonization, and reduced environmental impact.
  • Social Benefits: Active participation in energy production fosters greater independence from fossil fuels and strengthens relationships among community members.
  • Technological Benefits: Energy communities often adopt advanced technological solutions such as Smart Grids, energy storage, and smart meters.

Glossary of Energy Communities: Key Terms to Understand Them

To understand the functioning and structure of energy communities, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these key terms:

  • Steering Group: A group of individuals leading the creation of an energy community. They are usually responsible for initial steps such as defining the scope, seeking partners, and project planning.
    Example: A group of neighbors decides to install solar panels on their buildings and form a community to share the generated energy.
  • Initiator: An external manager (who may or may not be part of the community) that drives the steering group in the creation process. This can be an individual or entity providing technical, legal, or administrative support.
    Example: A company like CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico supports the steering group in implementing their project.
  • Community Transformation Offices (CTOs): Spaces designated to inform, advise, and assist individuals or entities in creating an energy community.
    Example: The CTO of Zaragoza City Council, managed in collaboration with CIRCE, aims to promote the creation of Energy Communities in the city.
  • Community Manager: Once the energy community is established, this individual has the knowledge and skills necessary to manage and drive it.
    Example: A technician oversees the operation of solar installations and the equitable distribution of the generated energy.
  • Community Member: A person or legal entity that is part of the energy community. They can act as energy producers, consumers, or both (prosumers).
    Example: A family installs solar panels on their roof and shares surplus energy with other community members.
  • Service Provider: A company responsible for supplying the generated renewable energy to community members.
    Example: A company manages a photovoltaic plant and distributes the generated energy to community members.
  • Prosumer: A person or entity that, in addition to consuming energy, generates part of it for the community.
    Example: A company in an industrial park produces electricity with a photovoltaic installation and uses part of it for its operations.
Parties at Energy Communities


Keys to Success for Energy Communities

Energy communities are becoming key players in decarbonization, emissions reduction, and the promotion of sustainability. Therefore, it is important to focus on these critical aspects for their success:

  • Public-Private Collaboration: Municipalities, cooperatives, and local companies play a fundamental role.
  • Focus on Sustainability: Beyond energy production, they address challenges like energy poverty, renewable electricity production, renewable thermal energy production, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, and demand management.
  • Technological Innovation: Integrating smart management and energy storage systems is important. Additionally, digitizing management processes can optimize the entire system.
    Example: CIRCE’s tool, Communit-e, developed to assist in these processes.

At CIRCE, we support the creation of Energy Communities both as technical advisors and by assisting in digital management.

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