
POWER4BIO contributes to the Horizon Europe program within the framework of the European research and innovation days

Brussels, September 26, 2019

Ignacio Martín, coordinator of the POWER4BIO project, participated on September 26 in the European Research and Innovation Days as a speaker and moderator of the session 'Bio-Based Economy - Practical Innovations'.

The session examined the main challenges and potential in the field of bio-based innovations, including research and macro-regional (Bio-EAST), industrial, and environmental aspects. The speakers in this session shared their views with the audience on what the focus of future R&D&I should be, considering the discussion on Horizon Europe Cluster 6 and, specifically, its intervention area 6.4 "Bio-Based Innovation Systems," as well as the potential European Partnership for a Circular Bio-Based Europe.

Ignacio Martín conveyed POWER4BIO’s vision on how the implementation of Bioeconomy strategies in European regions is and will be a very powerful tool to mobilize and engage all stakeholders involved in the transition to a bio-based economy. "It is key to continue providing technical support to regions and policymakers in this regard," he said.

In conclusion, there was full agreement that the bio-based economy is local, so the involvement of regional authorities and their strategies is crucial to maximizing opportunities.

About the event

The European Research and Innovation Days are the European Commission's first annual policy event that brings together stakeholders to discuss and shape the future landscape of research and innovation.

The event was the focal point for all stakeholders to come together and co-create the strategic priorities for the European Commission's investment in research and innovation. Specifically, it aimed to establish strategic priorities for the first four years of implementing Horizon Europe. Starting in 2021, Horizon Europe will be the successor to the current framework program for research and innovation, Horizon 2020.

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