
Conference "The Second Principle of Thermodynamics and the depletion of the Mineral Capital of the Planet"

This Thursday, March 12, the General Director of CIRCE, Antonio Valero, will give a conference focused on the depletion of the mineral resources of the planet.

Place: Room of the Field Culture of the English Court. Paseo Independencia, 11. 

Date: Thursday March 12

Time: 19:30 

Speakers: Antonio Valero, General Director of CIRCE Presenter: Alberto Carrión, Professor at the University of Zaragoza 

Abstract: Thermodynamics is the cruelest science. Although energy is conserved, it always degrades. And he does it until he can't anymore. The human being, in addition, is accelerating this degradation by squandering the finite resources of the planet. Not only does energy break down, but minerals are extracted, used only once and dispersed throughout the crust. This has a limit called Thanatia, a planet without abiotic resources). We have to stop this expense: How? Efficiency and Sufficiency. The conference is part of the Cycle of Conferences "ENCOUNTERS WITH SCIENCE" of the Cultural Area of ​​El Corte Inglés. 

This cycle is organized by the Official College of Physics in Aragon and the Aragonese Section of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics, and with the collaboration of the Very Interesting magazine, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza, the José María Chair Savirón of Scientific Dissemination of the University of Zaragoza (where the City Council of Zaragoza and the Government of Aragon also participates), the IQE (Chemical Industries of Ebro) Chair of the University of Zaragoza, the General Military Academy and the communication company Science Half Raccord

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