
CIRCE - Technology Centre receives the Star of Europe 2024, for being a key player in attracting competitive funds for innovation and sustainability

The mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca, has made this award, which recognizes the long and successful career at European level of the Aragonese center, which has become a motor for economic and technological development

CIRCE – Technological Center has received the Star of Europe 2024, an award aimed at highlighting the dissemination of European values and goals. The Mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca, presented this distinction in a ceremony held in the City Hall Auditorium on Europe Day. This year's theme is 'Europe participates'.

With this award, the City of Zaragoza recognizes the extensive and successful trajectory of CIRCE – Technological Center in Europe, emphasizing its significant role in securing competitive funding for innovation and sustainability, benefiting local and national institutions, entities, and companies with a success rate four times higher than the national and European average.

Since 2007, when the EU began implementing structural and cohesion policies to promote regional development, reduce economic and social disparities, and foster sustainable growth in member states, CIRCE – Technological Center has proven to be a key player in attracting competitive European funds. Since then, it has participated in a total of 154 projects funded under framework programs: 58 from Horizon Europe, 74 from Horizon 2020, and 22 in the Seventh Framework Program (FP7). Additionally, CIRCE has extended its influence to other significant programs, with 12 additional projects in EMPIR, INTERREG, Erasmus+, and CIP.

This significant participation highlights the center's crucial role in advancing research and technological development in Europe, cementing its reputation as a leading international technological center and a driver of economic development and innovation.

CIRCE has mobilized 1,083 million euros to adopt greener technologies and contribute significantly to sustainability goals.

CIRCE has not only actively participated in numerous projects but has also been instrumental in securing considerable economic impact. In total, these projects have mobilized 1,083 million euros. The distribution of these funds reveals a strategic focus on high-priority initiatives: 464 million euros obtained in Horizon Europe, 467 million in Horizon 2020, and 152 million in FP7. This flow of resources has strengthened CIRCE's ability to lead and support decarbonization projects, essential for energy transition and environmental sustainability across Europe.

The success of CIRCE – Technological Center has positively impacted the regional and national economic ecosystem and business fabric. Thanks to the projects led and participated by the center, nearly 200 million euros have been channeled to Spanish entities, with about 100 million euros going to Aragonese entities, promoting research, development, and the implementation of clean and efficient technologies. These funds have supported numerous companies and entities in their efforts to adopt greener technologies and significantly contribute to national and regional sustainability goals, demonstrating CIRCE's crucial role as a driving force towards decarbonization.

CIRCE Estrella de Europa 2024

"The Star of Europe 2024 is a recognition of our commitment to excellence and international collaboration, but it is also a testament to the direct economic impact we have achieved for the business fabric. These funds have not only supported advanced research but have also fostered technological innovation, job creation, and economic growth in Aragón and Spain," said Andrés Llombart, Managing Director of CIRCE – Technological Center. "Undoubtedly, this award is a boost to continue positively impacting society and helping the industry through new projects and collaborations that promote a sustainable, profitable, and efficient energy transition," he added.

Brussels delegation and European presence

Due to its commitment to internationalization, since 2010 CIRCE has also had a delegation in Brussels to engage with key European stakeholders and enhance its positioning in major platforms, associations, and leading forums at the European level. Currently, it actively participates in more than 40 European, national, and regional initiatives.

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