
CIRCE launches a new training itinerary on sustainable mobility and electric vehicles

Are you ready for the new paradigm of sustainable mobility CIRCE-Technological Centre launches on 19 March a new online edition of its training courses on the latest tools in the sector and, among the new features, there is a complete training itinerary of three courses: "The energy transition in transport: sustainable mobility and electric vehicles", "Charging engineering for electric vehicles" and "Distributed energy resources and the integration of electric vehicles into the grid".

The energy transition in transport: sustainable mobility and electric vehicles

The main objective of the course "Energy transition in transport: sustainable mobility and electric vehicles" (30 hours), is to equip students with knowledge on the challenges and opportunities presented by the energy transition in the transport sector, ranging from the general scope of sustainable mobility to the specific solution of electric vehicles (EV) and green vehicles.

This course presents the opportunity to understand the essential pillars that are redefining the future of transport. Focusing on the importance of adopting more sustainable practices and the growing relevance of electric vehicles, this programme covers everything from fundamental concepts to emerging trends in the sector.

The content is carefully designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the changes taking place in the field of transport, without assuming any prior specialised knowledge on the part of participants. By analysing the evolution of electric vehicles and the policies that encourage their adoption, such as the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUS), students are provided with a basis for understanding how these innovations contribute to a cleaner and more efficient environment. Coverage of business models related to electric vehicles and charging infrastructure underlines the transition towards a more integrated and environmentally friendly transport ecosystem.

Charging engineering for electric vehicles

In the "Charging Engineering for Electric Vehicles" course (60 hours), the main objective is to provide students with the most relevant knowledge in the field of design, production and installation of charging systems for electric vehicles, focusing on the optimisation of the charging infrastructure and its efficient integration into the electricity grid.

This programme is a relevant training for the automotive industry and charging infrastructure companies at a time when the transition to electric mobility is gaining momentum globally. Covering everything from the history and architecture of the electric vehicle to charging systems and their integration into the grid, this programme addresses the technical challenges and opportunities for innovation facing professionals in this emerging field. Specialised training in charging protocols, demand-side management and renewable energy integration strategies prepares participants to lead charging infrastructure projects, essential for market support and expansion.

The last section of this training package is the course: "Distributed energy resources and the integration of electric vehicles into the grid" (60 hours), which aims to provide participants with the necessary knowledge to address the effective integration of electric vehicles into the grid, taking advantage of distributed energy resources and bi-directional charging technology, in line with the demands of a constantly evolving energy market.

The effective integration of electric vehicles into the electricity grid, driven by the understanding of bi-directional charging systems and flexibility in the grid, has become a strategic priority for companies. This course enables participants to explore real-world use cases and related business models, preparing them to participate in charging infrastructure implementation projects and adapt to the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources. In a constantly evolving market towards sustainability and energy decentralisation, and by focusing on the intersection between electric vehicles (EVs) and distributed energy resources (DERs), this course equips DSO technicians and market-oriented professionals from charger manufacturers with essential skills to meet the challenges of the future.

Do you know the rest of our training courses?

Complementing these three itineraries, the technology centre offers specialised training programmes in key areas for professionals and companies in the electrical sector.


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