Zaragoza, a benchmark in sustainable mobility with the inauguration of state-of-the-art smart charging infrastructures

Zaragoza continues its path as a reference city in sustainable mobility. Natalia Chueca, Councilor for Public Services and Mobility of Zaragoza City Council, and Andrés Llombart, General Manager of CIRCE, were in charge of inaugurating this morning three new electric vehicle charging infrastructures that have been installed in the vicinity of the Bridge Pavilion promoted by Mobility City. These developments consist of an inductive opportunity charging system for cabs, a bidirectional charger for electric vehicles and an anti-vandalism station for bicycles and electric scooters.
Automatic wireless charging
The inductive system, designed by CIRCE, has a power of 50 kW at 85 kHz, which is a significant technological advance compared to current chargers. This infrastructure allows automatic charging without the need for cables after positioning the vehicle on the parking space. This system is ideal for cab ranks.
The bidirectional charger, both for vehicles and for scooters and bicycles, has a power of 25 kW and allows energy exchange with the installations of nearby buildings, as well as with other vehicles, renewable generation sources or batteries, providing auxiliary services to the infrastructure and flexibility to the electrical grid, generating new business models that allow consolidating the implementation of electric vehicles in the city.
The bidirectional charger, both for vehicles and for scooters and bicycles, has a power of 25 kW and allows the exchange of energy with the facilities of nearby buildings, as well as with other vehicles, renewable generation sources or batteries, providing auxiliary services to the infrastructure and flexibility to the electricity grid, generating new business models that allow the consolidation of the implementation of electric vehicles in the city.
Pioneering project with European projection
These cutting-edge systems have been developed within the INCIT-EV research project, coordinated from Spain by the CIRCE technology center and with the Zaragoza City Council as a partner, which aims to develop an innovative set of electric vehicle charging infrastructures and their associated business models to prepare the future of electric mobility.
The INCIT-EV project has obtained funding of 15 million euros from the European Commission and has meant an investment of more than 2.7 million euros for the city of Zaragoza. In this way, Zaragoza, as part of the consortium of European cities leading the INCIT-EV project together with Amsterdam, Paris, Turin and Tallinn, is positioned as a reference in innovation and a benchmark in technology.
The Councilor for Public Services and Mobility of Zaragoza City Council, Natalia Chueca, said that “the presentation of these smart charging infrastructures, which until very recently might have seemed like science fiction, are one more element, in this case very prominent, of the good position that Zaragoza occupies in the field of innovation and the promotion of sustainable mobility and zero emissions”.
“We are leaders thanks, of course, to this joint impulse with institutions such as CIRCE, which have been able to find in Zaragoza City Council a solvent partner with whom to develop this type of initiative,” he added.
“Being here today, next to the Bridge Pavilion, headquarters of Mobility City, also symbolizes this common commitment to promote both cutting-edge projects and the name of our city around the world. I am convinced,” she concluded, ‘that many cities and many companies will come to Zaragoza to take an interest in these initiatives that will surely change our city model in a very short time’.
For his part, the General Manager of CIRCE, Andrés Llombart, highlighted “the role that Zaragoza is playing in the field of innovation with its participation in relevant European research projects such as INCIT-EV, which has allowed the city to position itself at the forefront of Europe with the installation of cutting-edge electric vehicle charging infrastructures that will facilitate the deployment of electric mobility in urban environments and user acceptance.