
CIRCE llevará a la conferencia SDEWES 2020 las últimas innovaciones sostenibles para mejorar los procesos industriales

The CIRCE Technology Center will organize a special session at the 15th SDEWES Conference (Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems), which will be held from September 1st to 5th in Cologne, Germany.

This session will present various technological strategies aimed at innovating and improving industrial processes in a sustainable manner. 

This special session will serve as a forum to showcase the latest research advances presented within the framework of various European projects in which CIRCE is involved, such as BAOBAB, S-PARCS, and PolynSPIRE

These advances include strategies developed to reduce the economic and environmental impacts associated with manufacturing processes. The presentations will cover topics such as the sustainable use of resources, innovative manufacturing technologies, value chain optimization measures, circular economy strategies, and product eco-design, among others. 

The session will take place as part of the SDEWES 2020 conference, which is dedicated to advancing and disseminating knowledge on methods, policies, and technologies to promote sustainable development, considering the economic, environmental, and social pillars.

Special Session: Enhancing Industrial Processes by Promoting Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Organizer: CIRCE
Date: September 1-5, 2020
Location: Cologne, Germany. TH Köln Deutz Campus.
For more information:
Special Session Organizer: Maryori Díaz Ramírez

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