
Waste recycling

Recycling of various wastes, from batteries to plastics and wind turbine blades. Our process includes detailed analysis, experimental design, and validation in our advanced facilities. We focus on scalability and provide support during industrialization.

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Description of the service

At CIRCE Technology Center, we specialize in recycling various types of waste, including batteries, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), plastics, and wind turbine blades, among others.

Our process begins with a detailed analysis of the state of the art in recycling methods applicable to the specific waste in question. Subsequently, we design and experimentally validate the selected methods, initially at the laboratory scale and then at the pilot scale.

At CIRCE, we handle recycling of:

  • batteries
  • wind turbine blades
  • photovoltaic panels
  • waste electrical and electronic equipment (PCBs)
  • plastics
  • textiles

These processes take place in our facilities, which include an advanced laboratory and a pilot-scale testing facility.

Lastly, we provide support during the industrialization phase of the recycling process.

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Value proposition

Experimental validation and scalability

Our focus on small-scale experimental validation ensures reliability before moving towards the establishment of an industrial recycling plant. This approach allows our clients to obtain essential short-term data, facilitating the development of a techno-economic analysis of various recycling routes for potential scaling.

Integration of Eco-design

In addition to optimizing recycling routes, we incorporate eco-design criteria to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of the process, aligning with sustainable development goals and minimizing environmental impact.

Market analysis and technological surveillance

We conduct market analysis and technological surveillance to identify customers' pain points and provide efficient short- and medium-term solutions.