
Socioeconomic impact studies

Are you looking to understand and assess the socio-economic impact of your investments and projects? We offer plan writing services for the Renewable Energy Economic Regime (REER), focusing on key aspects such as investment description, procurement strategy, employment generated, industrial opportunities, circular economy and carbon footprint. We develop specific plans to maximize benefits and reduce negative impacts.

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Description of the service

Socioeconomic impact studies are essential to understand and evaluate the impact that investments and projects can have in several critical areas. Do you know the key aspects related to these studies and how CIRCE-Technological Center can help you?

  • Drafting of plans for the Renewable Energy Economic Regime (REER)

    The plans for the Renewable Energy Economic Regime (REER) focus on six critical variables established in the strategic plans, which are fundamental to evaluate the impact of the investments and projects:

  1. Description of investments

    Detail of investments to be carried out as part of the project

  2. Procurement and contracting strategy

    Establishment of the procurement and contracting strategy required for the project

  3. Employment estimation

    Estimate of the amount of employment that will be generated as a result of the project

  4. Opportunities for the industrial value chain

    Identification of opportunities for the development of the industrial value chain, which may involve strengthening related sectors.

  5. Circular economy impact

    Assessment of how the project can contribute to circular economy practices, such as reuse and recycling

  6. Carbon Footprint (CF) Analysis

    Analysis of the project's carbon footprint, including associated greenhouse gas emissions

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Value proposition

Development of specific plans

in each of the study categories, taking into account the location and impact on the community in terms of employment, investments, value chain, circular economy strategies and carbon footprint

Detailed assessment

of how the project will affect these specific areas and what measures can be taken to maximize benefits and reduce negative impacts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General and specific facility plans are necessary in projects where significant investments are planned and their impact is to be understood in economic, environmental and social terms. These plans are essential in projects related to renewable energy, infrastructure construction, industry expansion, among others. The need to calculate an organization's carbon footprint generally arises when the company seeks to measure and reduce its environmental impact, comply with environmental regulations or participate in sustainability programs.

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