
Merging Units calibration

Do you need accuracy and reliability in your measurement and electrical protection systems? This service focuses on the precise calibration of Merging Units, guaranteeing accurate measurements in all conditions. A calibration testbed and comparative calibrations are developed with references certified by VSL (Netherlands Metrology Service) and VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland).

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Description of the service

This service focuses on the accurate calibration of Merging Units, used in electrical measurement and protection systems.

It includes the following areas of expertise:

  • Development of a MU calibration testbed.
  • Calibrations by comparison with reference MU developed at VSL (Netherlands Metrology Service) and VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland).
  • Calibration of harmonics up to 5kHz
  • Evaluation and correction of errors in magnitude and phase shift

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Value proposition


We guarantee the reliability and accuracy of the merging units used in electrical measurement and protection systems. 


We perform rigorous calibrations to ensure accurate measurements in harmonic conditions and correct any errors in magnitude and phase.