
Implementation of IEC 61850 automation systems

Are you looking for comprehensive support in technology implementation? The IEC 61850-based Automation Systems Implementation service offers you support in all stages of the project lifecycle, from specifications and functional transformation to FAT and cybersecurity testing.

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Description of the service

This service provides support throughout the entire life cycle of the implementation of IEC 61850-based automation systems

It includes the following stages and capabilities:

  • Specification and functional transformation
  • Protocol configuration and test execution
  • Engineering and standardization
  • Development of standard-compliant communication interfaces
  • Definition of the engineering process Substation Configuration Language (SCL)
  • Design of new functionalities based on IEC 61850 message exchange
  • IEC 61850 signal modeling
  • IEC 61850 FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing) testing with proprietary tools
  • Cybersecurity testing

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Value proposition

Integral support in technological implementation

We provide comprehensive support throughout the life cycle of the technological implementation, taking advantage of the experience of a multidisciplinary team in ICT, protection, power and control. 

Technical coordination

We collaborate closely with designated laboratories and are involved in significant projects, including interoperability testing, virtualization development, technical coordination in pilot installations and signal modeling.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

CIRCE has worked in the protection sector with several clients such as: i-DE, Viesgo, UFD, Elewit and Endesa, among others. 

CIRCE has collaborated in European innovation projects such as IdEAS or 3S-CS. 

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