
Electric vehicle charging protocol libraries

We develop advanced communication protocols for the management of fast charging, essential in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. These hardware-independent software libraries include developments for the most common protocols in the electric vehicle world, facilitating their integration into power electronics and improving the interoperability and adaptability of charging solutions.

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Description of the service

The Electric Vehicle Charging Protocol Libraries are an essential part of CIRCE - Technological Center's solutions in the realm of electric vehicles.

We have developed advanced communication protocols for the management of fast charging, crucial in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Although these types of protocols are typically linked to the development of associated electronics, at CIRCE we have created software libraries that allow this service to be offered independently of the hardware.

Our libraries include developments for the most common protocols in the electric vehicle world, both for vehicle interaction (CHAdeMO and Combo) and charger management (OCPP).

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Value proposition

Autonomous functional protocols

Our libraries provide functional protocols that can be easily integrated into power electronics. This facilitates market entry for companies without prior experience in these communications, opening up new business and collaboration opportunities.

Interoperability and adaptability

By enabling ad hoc integration with existing systems, our libraries enhance the interoperability and flexibility of EV charging solutions. Companies can integrate these protocols into their existing processes without affecting their operations, ensuring a smooth transition to advanced charging technologies.