
Calculation and solution tool for curtailment on the grid

The electrical grid will have to endure a curtailment - cuts due to overproduction or generation shedding - of a significant percentage. Curtailment entails a loss of potentially useful energy and can affect energy purchase agreements. We offer a simulation and analysis tool to help make the best decisions.

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Description of the service

Red Eléctrica de España (REE) anticipates that by 2026, the electrical grid will face a curtailment - cuts due to overproduction or generation shedding - of 5.5% compared to its total capacity. This figure is expected to rise with the projected evolution of the energy mix in the system.

Curtailment results in a loss of potentially useful energy and can impact energy purchase contracts, necessitating a solution that provides more information for optimal investment decisions.

This solution involves developing simulation and analysis tools to generate reliable hypotheses about grid behavior, aiding in informed investment decision-making.

CIRCE's solution allows for real hypothesis testing and simulations to calculate curtailment at nodes, both for operational plants and future projections.

It supports decision-making across various scenarios:

  • Assessing undeveloped areas without public data for investment decisions.
  • Deciding whether to proceed with new connection points in early project phases.
  • Evaluating the final state of project development.
  • Assessing plants for acquisition.
  • Hypothesizing strategies for operational plants in future portfolios.
  • Addressing delays in grid planning and preemptive action.
  • Simulating past curtailments to understand their root causes.

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Value proposition

Calculation of curtailment potential at a specific node of the electricity grid.

Auction-based generation information.

Grid model and planning model of Red Eléctrica de España.

Public information on consumption and consumption growth forecasts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For each node in the grid, a curtailment profile is obtained based on the chosen time frame. For example, selecting a year will provide values at each node in the grid with an annual profile.

The scheduled curtailment algorithm curtails generators considering their contributions to congestion.

The tool has the capability to make predictions of generation and demand within the time horizon 2022-2026.

Yes, the new planning and the new lines/transformers that enter service as indicated in the planning of Red Eléctrica España are loaded. For instance, if a line enters service in 2024 and we conduct a curtailment study in 2023, it will not be included. However, it will be included if the study is conducted in 2024.

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