
Analysis of different hydrogen end-use value chains

Complete analysis of the different value chains for the final use of hydrogen, focusing on its technical and economic feasibility.

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Description of the service

At CIRCE-Technological Center we offer a detailed techno-economic analysis of the various routes that the hydrogen produced by the customer can take. This study focuses on existing technologies and the end use of hydrogen.

The routes considered include the transformation of hydrogen into various molecules, such as methane, methanol, ethanol, ammonia and other hydrocarbons of interest. This analysis allows clients to better understand the options available and make informed decisions on the most efficient and cost-effective use of hydrogen in their operations.

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Value proposition

Comprehensive assessment

We provide a comprehensive assessment of the different technological routes for the use of hydrogen, helping to identify the most suitable option for each client

Techno-economic approach

Our analysis focuses not only on technical aspects, but also on economic feasibility, ensuring that the proposed solutions are practical and cost-effective

Diversity of applications

We explore a variety of possible hydrogen transformations, ranging from conventional fuels to more innovative applications, adapting to the specific needs of each customer