
Algorithms for estimating, classifying and managing flexibility potential

Do you want to maximize the profitability of your grid-connected energy storage systems? We have algorithms that are designed to optimize your participation in daily and intraday energy markets, considering critical factors such as battery degradation. It ensures optimal economic return and advanced management of battery degradation for an accurate assessment of the economic impact over the lifetime of the battery.

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Description of the service

At CIRCE-Technological Center we can help grid operators to estimate, classify and manage the flexibility potential of assets and end users through algorithms. This allows to know in a homogeneous and fast way the characteristics of any flexible resource for its incorporation and use in the flexibility markets.

In this way, we help our clients to enter the local flexibility markets or to establish bilateral agreements with aggregators, which allows us to value the electrical flexibility of the installation and thus define new sources of economic benefit that improve the profitability of the installation. 

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Value proposition

Entry into local flex markets

These algorithms allow our clients to safely enter local flex markets or establish bilateral agreements with aggregators.

New source of profit

This new mechanism can provide an extra source of economic benefit, as it improves the profitability of the installation. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A detailed analysis of the reduction in technical performance is performed. In addition, we accurately assess the economic impact throughout their service life.

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