
Access and connection capacity map

Discover all the information related to capacity availability in the transmission and distribution network nodes to connect generation in an interactive and dynamic map

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Description of the service

Monthly updated capacity map with the integration of curated data from the main information sources it shows:

  • Whether capacity exists in transportation and distribution
  • If there is capacity in distribution but not in transportation
  • If there is capacity in transportation but not in distribution
  • Or, if there is no capacity

Interactive and dynamic map on Google Earth with all the substations in Spain,

  • Color coding to indicate the capacity of the node


What benefits will you get?

  • Simplification of the search process and massive analysis of access capacities, both for transmission and distribution networks, saving time and reducing operational costs.
  • Reduction of the effort required to find the best available points for an agile decision making based on objective data that helps to reduce the financial risk of each operation.
  • Maximization of the rate of applications (award / acceptance / concession) in accordance with current regulations, avoiding allegations or disputes.

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Value proposition

Make better decisions based on information and data updated on a monthly basis and maximize the rate of applications in compliance with current regulations. 

Simplifies the process of massive search and analysis of access capabilities, saving time and reducing operational costs.


It reduces effort by seeking the best available points for agile, objective-based decision making while reducing financial risk.

Our Clients' Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

All distributors are available, from large ones such as Endesa, Iberdrola or i-DE, to smaller ones that are part of national associations.

Yes, the first week of each month you will receive the updated map with the data published by distributors and carriers

The map is included in the GenerApp platform, developed by CIRCE, so you will receive a username and password that allows you to enter and view the map

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