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Description and objectives
TESLA will try to achieve the proposed objectives through:
- Improving the accessibility of agri-food SMEs to energy efficiency advice.
- Elaborate an energy management methodology adapted to the special characteristics of European agri-food industries.
- To promote energy efficiency and renewable energy investments among agri-food SMEs in Europe.
To this end, the project will carry out 110 energy audits in the same number of agricultural cooperatives in France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal belonging to these sectors.
TESLA will train a team specialized in the agri-food industry and energy efficiency. This team will be composed of experts and staff from the cooperative associations with technical expertise in the sub-sectors of the agri-food industry involved in the project, and will be supported by the project partners specialized in energy efficiency services.
The audit methodology will be standardized according to the latest updates set out in EN 16247:2012.
Overall, the audits will identify around 1000 specific energy efficiency measures, and it is foreseen that around 300 of them will be implemented with the support of the partners throughout the duration of the project.
All the knowledge and experience acquired will be used to publish four manuals on energy efficiency for SMEs in each sector, as well as technical guides for Energy Efficiency aimed at professionals involved in the design and management of agri-food facilities.
Value proposition
The main objective of the TESLA project is to promote among European SMEs in the agro-food sector, the best available practices for the evaluation of energy simulations and for the adoption of energy efficiency measures, in order to maintain or increase their competitiveness.
Within this sector, the TESLA project will focus on agro-industrial cooperatives, focusing its activities on olive oil mills, wineries, feed mills and fruit and vegetable plants. In these agro-industrial processes the main resource used, besides raw materials, is energy consumption.
- Through the activities developed in TESLA, it is expected that:
- At least 50% of agro-food SMEs in Europe will have received energy advice by 2020.
- Specific measures related to energy efficiency and investment in renewable energy will be included in the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
- At least a 20% reduction in emissions associated with energy use in agri-food products.
Project partners