

Relevant project information


February 2016 - January 2019

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

Commercial establishments such as supermarkets comprise several technical disciplines, such as construction, heating and cooling, and ventilation systems.

New, more efficient supermarket technologies are now available that offer environmental and economic benefits, and the implementation of such solutions is mainly held back only by non-technical barriers.

In this scenario SuperSmart will act on different categories of barriers, both in the short term (awareness and training) and in the long term (organizational, political or social), although an immediate impact on the sector is expected after the removal of the short term barriers.

The purpose of SuperSmart is to establish a knowledge and transfer platform aimed at the supermarket sector to educate, train and connect stakeholders from different fields so that upgrading to the most efficient new heat-cooling solutions is possible.

Value proposition

The objective of SuperSmart is to achieve environmental and economic benefits in the European supermarket sector by reducing energy consumption through the active implementation of more efficient heat-cooling solutions.

To this end, the creation of a new European Ecolabel for supermarkets will be supported, and non-technical barriers limiting the use of these new technologies in the supermarket sector will be removed. The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Reducing environmental impact and energy consumption
  • Support the introduction of a new European Ecolabel for supermarkets.
  • Define and remove the main technical and non-technical barriers facing eco-supermarkets throughout the value chain (owners/chains, manufacturers, installers, consultants, etc.).
  • Increase expertise and knowledge on energy use of equipment among technical and non-technical staff (managers, owners, consultants, etc.).
  • Promote direct communication between R&D centers, suppliers, end users and government agencies on legislative matters regulating this sector.

Given its experience in energy efficiency, CIRCE will be in charge of developing the training material focused on the area: “How to energetically rehabilitate a supermarket”, as well as organizing 10 training programs in 10 supermarkets in Central and Southern Europe. In addition, CIRCE will be responsible for publicizing and presenting the SuperSmart project in different national workshops to be held in Spain throughout the life of the project.

Project partners