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Description and objectives
SSTAR focuses on three Research and Innovation (R&I) Lines to achieve an operational voltage level that allows the implementation of SST in power grids, addressing cost, safety and sustainability. Two SST modules and a decentralized CHB converter will be developed and validated in test beds in Spain and Portugal at TRL 4.
The objective is to increase the operating voltage of SST for application in power distribution and transmission networks, improving reliability and sustainability.
The three R&D&I Lines include:
- Sustainable dielectric fluid that saves up to 50% CO2 compared to traditional oils.
- New high-isolation SiC-based SST module with bidirectional IPT, reaching 1.5 kV and 50 kHz with 98.5% efficiency.
- Decentralized control cascade H-bridge (CHB) to scale modules into a single SST device (>220 kV). These innovations will be tested on test benches validating two SST modules and a 30-module model with the decentralized CHB converter.
Value proposition
- Patented Bidirectional IPT System: CIRCE will fully own the design of the bidirectional IPT system, based on CIRCE's national patent P201830800(9). This system will be studied for implementation in power electronics systems and other energy sectors, including use as inductive charging for electric vehicles.
- Proprietary Decentralized CHB Controller: CIRCE will own the complete design of the decentralized CHB control converter. This result will be critical for controlling SSTs with a high number of modules, as well as other power electronics systems.
- Maintenance of the SST Module Design and Prototype: EFACEC and CIRCE will retain the design and prototype of the SST modules in order to offer an innovative solution to the European power sector, especially for DSOs and TSOs. After an innovative step towards the developed solution, the Technology Maturity Level (TRL) will be increased to ensure a successful and efficient implementation.
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