Relevant project information


March 2018 - February 2021

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

The project has previously evaluated seven “Pilot Parks” from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Austria, which are participating in the study, showing a high potential for joint energy actions.

S-PARCS will help them to develop an “energy cooperation plan” so that by the end of the project, all pilot parks are equipped with a free ICT tool to support decision-making processes on joint investments, at least 1 full feasibility study for the most promising cooperative project, as well as a strategy for long-term actions.

At least 65 of the 278 companies located in the “Pilot Parks” are expected to benefit directly from reduced energy costs resulting from energy efficiency measures, such as the use of waste heat, joint energy purchases and a wide range of small-scale renewable projects.

Improvements in the parks in terms of energy efficiency are likely to exceed 10%, and the impact of the project will extend to the entire community of supporters, thanks to the identification of at least 20 viable cooperative energy solutions.

S-PARCS aims to reduce energy costs and energy consumption in industrial parks, while increasing on-site renewable energy production.

The project will move from a single-company energy efficiency intervention approach to cooperative energy efficiency solutions within industrial parks, thus enabling greater energy savings and a consequent increase in the competitiveness of companies located in the parks. 

Value proposition

S-PARCS has four specific objectives that support the ambitious overall goal:

  • Increase business competitiveness by developing, testing and deploying replicable instruments for energy cooperation in real-world environments.
  • Develop, test and deploy replicable business models for joint procurement of energy services for industrial parks.
  • Contribute to the creation of legal and regulatory frameworks that accelerate and facilitate the adoption of innovative instruments for energy cooperation and contribute ideas to policy debates.
  • Develop capacities and increase the skills and competences of players in the EU industrial environment.

Project partners

Energy Institut JKU, CIRCE