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Role of CIRCE
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Description and objectives
RINNO aims to deliver a framework solution that will help to dramatically accelerate - tripling the rate of deep renovation in energy inefficient buildings across Europe, reaching an ambitious annual renovation rate of 3.5% in the long term (5+ years).
The proposed solution will ultimately comprise an augmented intelligence framework for deep energy renovation in residential buildings by (a) augmenting human intelligence through a “1 + 1 > 2” approach on human-machine interaction and pervasive connectivity, and (b) introducing cognitive building capabilities.
This combination will stimulate occupant participation and enable optimal and dynamic planning, design, execution and operational support of the renovation.
It will also facilitate dynamic energy, environmental and economic assessment of buildings in line with the BRP concept.
In addition, RINNO will provide the flexibility of the one-stop shop for users, actors and stakeholders in renovation, bringing together innovations in technology, processes and business models to identify, quantify and close performance gaps and support the continuous improvement of buildings, while creating a framework to revitalize the EU building and renovation sectors.
Value proposition
- Innovative, hybrid and efficient integrated solutions through an adaptable and comprehensive repository of technologies.
- Improved building renovation planning and design to reduce cost, construction and installation time, occupant disturbance, and increase building performance.
- Innovative retrofit methods to reduce installation time and occupant disruption.
- Accelerating and improving the reliability of renovation processes through an AR-enabled enabling environment that provides real-time assistance and on-site training.
- Context-aware operational platform with augmented intelligence for real-time performance awareness and any performance gap quantification
- Advanced workflow and renewal transaction manager to control the respective processes and their consistency
- Circular economy-driven business models (BM) and financing schemes to stimulate deep renewal and market penetration of RINNO assets on a European level
Increased RINNO traction and revitalization of the EU construction sector through deployment, demonstration, validation and evaluation of the overall solution to large-scale real-life demonstration sites.
Project partners
Fællesorganisationen af Boligorganisationer (FOB), Bouygues, Ekolab, European Green Cities, Greenstruct, HPHI, K-FLEX, Lille Métropole Habitat, Motivian, NAPE, Pink, Regenera, RINA-C, CERTH, Circe, Dublin City University, University of Northumbria Newcastle, Newcastle University, VTT.