Relevant project information


October 2020 - September 2025

Project website

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

RESPONSE will support the pilot cities of Dijon and Turku and subsequently the cities of Brussels, Zaragoza, Botosani, Ptolemaida, Gabrovo and Severodonetsk to facilitate the creation of energy positive blocks and districts. Through RESPONSE, the two pilot cities will achieve a local renewable energy penetration of 11.2 GWh/year, energy savings of 3,090 MWh/year and emission reductions of 9,799 tons CO2eq/year in their districts.

RESPONSE demonstrates ten integrated solutions, comprising 86 innovative elements (technologies, tools, methods), which are monitored with specific impact metrics. The project attracts the interest of various stakeholders as it generates innovative business models that enable scaling up and replication of the solutions, creating a validated roadmap for sustainable cities across Europe and beyond.

Value proposition

  • Energy Transformation of Buildings: We demonstrate innovative solutions that transform the building stock, converting buildings into energy efficient structures. Our proposal seeks to maximize the use of renewable sources, contributing to sustainability and energy efficiency.
  • Revitalization of Urban Districts: We present innovative solutions that transform urban districts by incorporating high percentages of locally produced renewable energy. These solutions not only seek energy self-sufficiency, but also offer flexibility and stability to the grid through energy management and storage.
  • Electromobility Integration and Urban Planning: We demonstrate pioneering solutions for the integration of electromobility at the urban level. In addition, we propose appropriate planning measures that facilitate grid flexibility, reduce energy system constraints and promote decarbonization. We are committed to a holistic approach to more sustainable and efficient urban mobility.

Project partners

Dijon Metropole, Commune de Dijon, EDF, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, ENEDIS, Grand Dijon Habitat, Orvitis, Bouygues Construction, FAFCO, Atmo Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Onyx Solar Energy, CORIANCE, Cent, Civocracy, NanoSense, WITTYM, Panga, City of Turku, VTT, Turku University of Applied Sciences, TYS, Turku Energia, FMI, HögforsGST, ELISA, ELCON, Sunamp, eGAIN, University of Turku, OILON, Turku City Data, Sähko-Jokinen, HR-Ikkunat Ruhkala, ferroamp, City of Brussels, Up4North, AYUNTAMIENTO DE ZARAGOZA, Botosani Municipality, ICPE-CA, EORDAIA MUNICIPALITY, Municipality of Gabrovo, ieit, DITA, CERTH, CPERI, CIRCE, Rina Consulting, SPI, Universidad Pontificia COMILLAS, iSolutions, National Technical University of Athens.