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Role of CIRCE
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Description and objectives
During the last few years, important deficiencies have been detected in the distribution of medium and low voltage electricity.
REDACTIVA is a national project in which several entities and research centers will try to solve the problems found and create preventive techniques to avoid future problems.
The project is structured in different work packages that will develop solutions and equipment to improve the automation of the network and solve the specific problems that REDACTIVA has identified to later carry out pilots within the automation package.
The main objective of the REDACTIVA project is the development of innovative solutions and equipment that allow the improvement of the automation of the medium and low voltage electrical distribution network in order to improve the operation of the network.
At the same time improving its efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the quality of the service that is not reached to the final user. Within the main objective, the project includes several specific objectives:
- Development of applications to avoid unintentional island generation.
- Development of solutions to avoid or mitigate the occurrence of ferroresonance in the Medium Voltage distribution network.
- Development of voltage / current sensors.
- Asset management: early detection of faults for predictive / preventive maintenance.
- Implementation of pilot solutions for validation.
Value proposition
CIRCE will develop a software tool that allows the implementation of algorithms to identify line impedance, network stability, perform condition estimation tasks, etc.
In addition, a proposal will be made to increase the level of automation in the medium voltage distribution network, specifying the monitoring and control strategies, diagnostics, protections and their analysis.
On the other hand, CIRCE will carry out the adaptation of the LIER Laboratory, which will be used to test the different anti-islanding techniques obtained in previous processes during the project.
Finally, CIRCE will identify partial discharge (PD) patterns to determine the existence of PD sources as well as their location.
With this, it is intended to test the feasibility of determining the insulation levels of the materials installed in the network and thus be able to establish the real aging degree of the materials, so that preventive maintenance techniques can be applied effectively.
Project partners
CIRCE, Viesgo, Ormazabal, Ingeteam, Ikerlan, la Universidad de Cantabria y Unión Fenosa