

Relevant project information


September 2018 - March 2021

Project website

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

POWER4BIO strengthens the regions of the European Union towards the bioeconomy. Using a participatory approach, it develops a catalog of business models tailored to ten regions. It provides tools and guidance for implementing sound bioeconomic strategies, covering five regions in Central and Eastern Europe and five in Western Europe.

The project promotes mutual learning, establishes Regional Bioeconomy Centers, updates local strategies and creates a catalog of biomodel business models. It fosters cooperation, capacity building and networking among actors, resulting in concrete achievements such as technologies and business models, Regional Centers, interregional bridges, visits and tools for the Bioregional Strategy. These results contribute to the promotion of the bioeconomy in the participating regions.

Value proposition

Management and Coordination of Regional and Non-Regional Partners: CIRCE leads the effective management and coordination between regional and non-regional partners to ensure synergistic collaboration aligned with project objectives. It facilitates communication and information exchange between the various actors involved in the bioeconomy, promoting a strong collaborative network.

Standardized and Flexible Methodology for Development and Implementation: Design of a standardized and flexible methodology to assist and guide European regions in the development and implementation of strategies and roadmaps. Adaptable approach to allow customization to the specific needs of each region, thus maximizing the potential of the local bioeconomy.

Characterization of Best Practice Examples and Regional Analysis: Identification and characterization of best practice examples in bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European regions. Detailed analysis of the regional bioeconomy to extract lessons learned and best approaches, contributing to sustainable development. 

Actions to Increase Capacity and Knowledge: Implementation of strategic actions to strengthen the capacity and knowledge of key actors in the regional bioeconomy. Training programs designed for diverse audiences, from regional authorities to entrepreneurs, to foster deeper understanding and effective participation in the bioeconomy.

Coordination of Material Design and Training Actions: Effective coordination of the design of educational material and training actions for diverse audiences. Development of impactful and relevant training content to support bioeconomy training and education, ensuring effective dissemination of key knowledge.

Project partners

CIRCE; DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum, Stichting Wageningen Research, Meta Group, AKI- AGRARGAZDASAGI KUTATO INTEZET, EPC - Projektgesellschraft Fur Klima., DRAXIS ENVIRONMENTAL., Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Junta de Andalucía – Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural, Mazovia Energy Agency, University of South Bohemia, CHEMIE CLUSTER BAYERN, SPRING Sustainable Processes and Resources For Innovation And National Growth, Government of Flanders, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN)