Relevant project information


January 2016 - December 2019

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

By 2020, a large part of the pan-European high voltage and alternating current (HVAC) transmission grid areas will be operated by a strong penetration of Power Electronics (PE) systems.

This will affect various factors such as the dynamic stability of the power system, protection systems or grid quality.

In MIGRATE, European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and the UK have teamed up with manufacturers, universities and research centers to address these challenges.

Together, they propose innovative solutions to progressively adjust HVAC system operation:

  • Firstly a reproducible methodology to assess the distance of the control zone of any Member State to instabilities due to PE proliferation, and its monitoring in real time.
  • Secondly, specific legislation on innovative power control systems will be designed to deal with the lack of synchronous machines. Numerical simulations and laboratory tests will be performed that will yield control solutions together with recommendations for the new connection of the PE and the development of a new technology for protection and mitigation of the expected electrical disturbances.

Value proposition

The technological and economic impacts of these innovations will also be quantified, along with the barriers that need to be overcome in order to be able to envisage future scenarios.

To develop and validate innovative technological solutions that contribute to the management of the pan-European electricity system, with a view to the proliferation of Power Electronics (PE) equipment that allows the connection of consumption and generation points.

This objective is divided into two components combining two time horizons: In the short and medium term, new technological solutions are needed to operate the existing HVAC system configuration with an increasing penetration of PE-connected generation and consumption, based on new methods and tools.

In the long term, innovative technological solutions will be needed to manage a transition to an electrical HVAC system where all consumption and generation will be 100% PE connected, and based on innovative control algorithms with new grid connection standards.

CIRCE will lead the development of the systems and improved protection designs to make the transition to 100% PE penetration, through hardware in the loop tests using RTDS equipment. Thus CIRCE will:

  • Will provide detailed insight about good practices for operating correctly under electrical disturbances in systems with high PD penetration, through Hardware-in-Loop (HiL) simulations.
  • It will evaluate and test emerging technologies along with new protection strategies, developing new ones.

Project partners