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Description and objectives
The growing energy demand in the domestic sector in Spain requires the incorporation of biomass resources other than wood pellets, such as agricultural residual biomass, which includes residues from herbaceous crops and pruning of permanent woody crops.
However, the large-scale use of these biofuels requires overcoming different challenges attributed to their properties and improving the state of the art of existing conversion technology, which must be solved to achieve an efficient, convenient and clean use.
The composition of agricultural waste biomass, mainly in terms of ash, can cause phenomena such as agglomeration, fouling, corrosion and erosion, which reduce boiler performance and lifetime, in addition to generating particulate emissions that cause respiratory diseases.
To minimize these effects and to meet quality requirements, such as those regulated by ISO 17225-6 (non-woody pellets), there is an interest in optimizing the fuel composition through blending.
In addition, the combustion technology used in the domestic sector (grate boilers) has specialized in the use of wood pellets in terms of design and operating conditions, while its suitability for other fuels such as agricultural residues is still a significant challenge.
Value proposition
The main objective of this project is to develop a methodology for the definition of optimal blends (based on predictive methods and verified in combustion equipment) of residual biofuels of agricultural origin.
- The aim is to study, with the biofuels thus produced, the influence of the application of different operating conditions (both at controlled laboratory reactor scale and in commercial equipment) on the behavior of the ashes, as well as on the overall behavior of the system (performance, operation and pollutant emissions).
- The results of the work will provide, both to the scientific community and to pellet and boiler manufacturers, key criteria for future developments (optimization of blends, design changes of new boilers and adaptation of the operation of existing ones).
- The ultimate goal is that biofuels of agricultural waste origin, which are of great interest due to their availability, local production and low cost, can in the short term complement other biofuels in the growing residential heating sector.