Relevant project information


March 2016 - January 2020

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

MEAN4SG will train 11 young researchers in the field of Smart Grid metrology by building a knowledge network encompassing the entire innovation value chain.

Key EU players in the Smart Grids metrology sector have worked together, under the umbrella of the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), and with the support of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), to design a training program based on the main challenges in metrology R&D for Smart Grids, while addressing the lack of highly qualified personnel in this area, as envisaged by the European Commission, the industrial power grid sector and academia.

The main challenges to be faced by the MEAN4SG research program, identified by the European research community are:

  1. Supply quality study
  2. Smart Grid modeling and management
  3. Advanced monitoring using phasor measurement units
  4. Smart cable diagnostics

Value proposition

In turn, these challenges have been divided into eleven specific objectives, which will be assigned to the researchers, so that they can focus their research project, thesis and professional career on them with the support of a Personal Supervision Team.

The main objective of MEAN4SG is to create a new network of professionals with the fundamental skills required to meet the scientific and technological challenges facing Smart Grid Metrology.

Furthermore, this network will constitute the core of a cluster of excellence on European research in Smart Grid Metrology, bringing together prestigious experts in all the required disciplines, including electricity, electronics, mechanics, communication technologies, economics, logistics, management, etc.

  • Researchers will receive training while developing their thesis projects, in order to optimize Smart Grid metrology through an integrated program of specialization that pursues the following scientific objectives: Determine and subsequently analyze the parameters of grid quality that actively affect users.
  • To address the modeling of distributed generation and demand systems.
  • Develop advanced network monitoring tools: Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs).
  • Research and develop tools related to the insulation of conductor cables in Smart Grids.

CIRCE will lead the project consortium, providing its expertise, in addition to Smart Grids, in the management of international collaborative research and training projects. CIRCE will make available to the researchers its research infrastructures such as advanced measurement equipment or the LME-CIRCE Laboratory, accredited by the MEASNET laboratory network to perform power curve testing in wind turbines.

Project partners