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Description and objectives
Cruise ships represent an attractive way to visit coastal regions, bringing a significant increase in their economy and international reputation.
However, the cities that receive this type of tourism are called upon to employ more sustainable systems, as well as multimodal connections, that will allow them to increase revenues from this source and preserve the natural characteristics of their territories.
LOCATIONS (Low Carbon Transport in Cruise Destination Cities) will support administrations in the development of Low Carbon Transport and Mobility Plans (LCTPs) with measures focused on passenger and freight flows, with a view to decongesting traffic in cities and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
A methodology will be tested to respond to specific mobility-related problems in the countries involved. The definition of modular packages will pave the way for transfer to new Mediterranean areas through international capacity building actions and mutual learning activities on new concepts of sustainable mobility.
It will also be essential to involve citizens and cruise passengers through awareness campaigns, encouraging participation and responsibility in improving the quality of life in cities.
The main objective of LOCATIONS is to support public administrations in the development of low-carbon mobility and transport plans in cities that are destinations for cruise ships in Mediterranean countries. This goal will be reached after the achievement of the following specific objectives:
- Increase institutional and operational capacity to favor the use of existing technologies for low-emission transport systems and multimodal connections for cruise passenger and freight flows.
- Promote sustainable growth and low-emission transportation strategies by acting jointly with local and regional authorities to develop tools to increase the sustainable mobility of people and goods related to cruise ships, integrated with Municipal Sustainable Mobility Plans or the mobility sections of Energy Saving Plans.
- To favor innovative concepts, practices, governance formulas, technologies, services, a more reasonable use of resources and a territory-based approach, reducing impacts on the environment, both in terms of natural and cultural aspects, and improving the quality of life for tourists and the local population.
Value proposition
The LOCATIONS models for developing LCTPs aim to produce short-term results (7 LCPs), transfer outputs in the medium term (5 LCTPs) and develop capacities for 6 new technical organizations, promoting the methodology in new Mediterranean countries and territories, cooperating with regional authorities in the management of financing funds for an effective implementation of the measures contained in the plans.
- Design of operational models for LCTPs.
- Capacity building for stakeholders to bridge the gap between them.
- First phase in the implementation of pilot activities.
- Evaluation, preparation, implementation and replication
- Strategic transfer plan.
Project partners
AREA Science Park, Albanian Institut of Transport, CIRCE, City of Zadar, Durrës Port Authority, Lisbon City Council, LISBOA E-NOVA, Málagaport, Municipality of Ravenna, Port of Rijeka Authority, Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, Regional Energy Agency Kvarner, Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, City of Durrës, Comune di Trieste, Emilia Romagna Region, Malaga City Council, Port of Ravenna Authority, Port of Zadar Authority, Zadar County Development Agency - ZADRA NOVA.