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Description and objectives
The induce project will provide a methodology for implementing energy efficiency capacity building programs through a People-Centered Design approach.
The INDUCE methodology will link energy efficiency knowledge transfer with behavioral and organizational change models, establishing an energy culture and an enabling environment for change in the company, while motivating employees to act more sustainably.
The uniqueness of this methodology lies in the fact that it will follow a People-Centered Design approach, where each phase will be carried out in close cooperation with the end users of the capacity building program.
This will allow INDUCE to interact and test together with the companies the best interventions, measures, etc. to be implemented.
The INDUCE methodology and its toolkit will be tested and validated in 15 pilot companies in the food and beverage sector in four countries representing more than 45% of EU companies in this sector: Spain, France, the Netherlands and Germany.
In a second phase, the INDUCE community of trainers will establish 60 certified trainers. They will be in charge of implementing the INDUCE methodology in another 300 companies, thus increasing the impact of INDUCE to 106 GWh/year of energy savings.
Value proposition
The INDUCE project seeks to improve the energy efficiency of companies through the development of an open platform (INDUCE toolkit) where training materials, online classes, guidelines and other tools will be available to these companies.
In addition, the INDUCE methodology will be integrated into this platform with the objective of designing a specific capacity building program for each company accessing the “INDUCE toolkit”, which will result in an ad-hoc training tailored to the needs and opportunities of the company.
CIRCE is the project coordinator, being in charge of the technical, financial, legal and administrative management of the project. On the technical side, CIRCE will lead the development of the INDUCE methodology, which will be used to create the training programs.
Subsequently, it will take part in the implementation and monitoring of these programs in the pilot companies, as well as in the training of trainers in this methodology.
Finally, it will also contribute to the validation of the INDUCE methodology as well as to the evaluation of its impact, in order to improve and update it with special attention to national and European regulatory issues.
Project partners
CIRCE, TNO, FRAUNHOFER, FIAB, FNLI, Food-Processing Initiative e.V. (FPI), KWA Bedrijfsadviseurs B.V., Ökotec energiemanagement GmbH (ÖKOTEC), SYNYO GmbH, Association de Coordination Technique pour l’Industrie Agro-alimentaire (ACTIA).