

Relevant project information


January 2015 - December 2017

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

The objective of the GreenGain project focuses on promoting the use, as a source of energy, of biomass obtained from regular maintenance work on roads, waterways, fire prevention tasks or landscape recovery that is currently not being used.

The objectives set by the project are focused on those regional and local actors who are responsible for maintenance and conservation work, and the management of biomass waste in their regions.

Moreover, the focus will also be on service providers - including farmers and forest owners, their associations, non-governmental organizations and energy suppliers and consumers.

The project will provide the necessary knowledge to identify the most appropriate strategies for defining local availability of these raw materials, logistics and storage as well as sustainable conversion pathways for the transformation of these raw materials into renewable energy sources (heat and energy products).

Furthermore, the assessment of political, legal and environmental aspects will be addressed in the model regions. Awareness raising, coordination and public acceptance actions will focus on general guidelines with the objective of ensuring a wide dissemination to other EU regions. 

Value proposition

The technical partners will actively support the regional partners in the development and implementation of these measures and development of the project tasks.

As a coordination and support action (CSA), one focus of the project will be the exchange between the model regions and other relevant similar partners in the EU, through the exchange of best practices, a website and a platform where the materials developed during the project and a stakeholder database will be located, several workshops and visits to educational facilities in different regions, as well as other standard public relations activities.

The objective of GreenGain is to strengthen the energetic use of regional and local biomass from the maintenance of areas and landscape elements, which are of public interest.

The scope of biomass used will be any material produced in the execution of operations for nature conservation, infrastructure and landscape management, but not energy-crops.

Project partners

CIRCE, Grupo Bajo Aragón-Matarraña –OMEZYMA- y las Comarcas del Bajo Aragón y Matarraña