

Relevant project information


October 2019 - September 2023

Project website

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

FLEXIGRID seeks to improve the power distribution grid to make it more flexible, reliable and cost-effective, adapting to the expected increase in variable renewable energy sources.

The project develops hardware and software solutions implemented in four European Demo-Sites, addressing flexibility, reliability and economic efficiency.

Eight use cases are identified to address common problems in the distribution grid.

The consortium includes actors from the entire power system value chain and has as its main objective to enable the grid to operate in a secure and stable manner with a high proportion of variable generation sources connected to the low and medium voltage grids.

In addition, the interoperability of the solutions and their integration into an open source platform is sought to harmonize the data flow.

FLEXIGRID contributes to the European 'Clean Energy for All' package and collaborates with the BRIDGE initiative, ensuring the exploitation and dissemination of the results in the EU energy community.

Value proposition

Innovative hardware to improve the operation of the distribution network: 

  • Secondary substation of the future: development of an innovative secondary substation to improve the flexibility, reliability and efficiency of the distribution network operation.
  • New generation of smart meters: implementation of state-of-the-art smart meters with enhanced feeder mapping capabilities, providing more efficient grid management.
  • Protections against high penetration of renewable energy: design of advanced protections to cope with high penetration of renewable energy sources, ensuring grid stability and security.
  • Energy Box multipurpose concentrator: development of a versatile concentrator capable of controlling grid assets, providing operational flexibility.
  • Advanced software modules for grid optimization: fault location and self-repair: implementation of a module for rapid fault location and self-repair capability, reducing downtime and improving reliability.
  • Network forecasting and operation: development of a forecasting module for efficient network management, improving planning and decision making. Network Congestion Management (S7) Module dedicated to network congestion management, ensuring optimal energy flow and minimizing outages. 
  • Optimization of thermal energy storage: development of a module for the optimization of thermal energy storage, improving efficiency and resource utilization. 

Open source platform for integration and replication: 

  • Open platform for integration: enhancing and upgrading a unique open source platform to enable seamless integration of various hardware and software solutions, taking full advantage of data provided by local and distributed energy resources.
  • Interoperability with energy sector IT systems: ensuring that FLEXIGRID solutions are interoperable with IT systems used by energy stakeholders, increasing their replication potential.

Project partners