

Relevant project information


July 2016 - April 2018

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Horizon 2020 logo

Description and objectives

FieldFOOD will provide innovative solutions to overcome the existing bottlenecks associated with the implementation of Pulse Electrical Fields (PEF) in the food industry, with the ultimate goal of providing a full-scale demonstration of the feasibility of PEF technology.

A detailed analysis of the different applications of PEF technology in different industrial partners will be carried out to fully assess not only the benefits of introducing the technology, but also the specific requirements of each application.

In this way it will be possible to optimize the benefits of implementing the technology, and to design modular, portable and low-cost pulse generators tailored to each particular application.

The FieldFOOD project will also include economic and environmental impact studies. When new technologies are introduced in food processing, the environmental impact of industrial activities changes.

Thus, both direct effects arising from changes in energy use, water use and waste generation will be assessed, as well as indirect effects, including the use of raw materials and waste management options arising from the introduction of the technology.

Value proposition

To study these environmental effects, life cycle assessments (LCA) of the products obtained by introducing PEF into the processing lines will be carried out and compared with the LCA of the products obtained with the current processing lines.

Demonstration activities conducted in an operational environment and pilot production carried out on site will identify and reduce the risks associated with PEF scale-up. The participation of SMEs in FieldFOOD aims to overcome barriers to access to innovation in order to maintain their competitiveness, and will be critical in bridging the gap between the laboratory and the market.

The overall objective of the FieldFOOD proposal is to carry out successful, full-scale demonstrations of the feasibility of introducing electric pulse field technology as a strategy to improve the competitiveness of the European food industry, through different means:

  • Improving food quality (safety, nutritional and sensory properties).
  • Optimizing process efficiency
  • Reducing energy costs
  • Introducing new foods to the market.

Project partners

Universidad de Zaragoza (España), Technical University of Berlin (Alemania), University College of Dublin (Irlanda), ProdAl scarl (Italia), CIRCE (España), Bodegas Aragonesas (España) Agrinarsa (España), Energy Pulse Systems (Portugal), F.D.D-Industria conserve Alimentari (Italia), Diesdorfer (Alemania), The Apple farm (Irlanda) and  EFFOST (Holanda).