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Role of CIRCE
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Description and objectives
FARCROSS, at present, seeks to meet the EU's energy objectives by improving cross-border electricity interconnections and establishing a wider electricity market.
It seeks to facilitate the exchange of electricity between member states, increase competition, strengthen security of supply and favor the integration of renewable energies into the markets.
The project connects key stakeholders, demonstrating integrated hardware and software solutions to unlock resources and promote regional cooperation.
FARCROSS drives advanced technologies to improve transmission grid efficiency, increase regional observability and leverage transmission corridors.
In addition, it considers cross-border connections, grid infrastructure and specific information technologies.
It will implement an innovative regional forecasting platform and optimization tools to maximize cross-border flows, address national regulatory non-harmonization, and propose measures to avoid distortions in technological benefits.
Value proposition
CIRCE has been the leader of WP6 related to the implementation and testing of the WAMPAC system applied to Cross Border Transmission Systems.
In particular, CIRCE has carried out the development of WAMPAC algorithms and their implementation in a real-time control device, as well as the analysis of inter-area oscillations, the analysis of architecture and technology and the study of standards application and development of communication libraries for monitoring and SCADA tools.
In this sense, CIRCE has played a relevant role in the following activities:
- Field tests, improvements and analysis of results
- Analysis of inter-area oscillation measurement techniques
- Definition of case studies and identification of critical scenarios
- Study of the contribution of active elements to wet oscillations
- Development of automatic toolboxes for Power System simulation platforms
- Definition and assessment of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the degree of demo completion
- Study of optimal location of measurement and operation points for the implementation of WAMPAC solutions
- Definition of communication infrastructure and use of technology and standards for field demonstration
- WAMPAC system development including algorithms for wide area protection algorithms
- Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) modeling of defined grids
- SCADA development for field demonstration
- Laboratory testing
Project partners
UBITECH Energy, IPTO, Electricity System Operator, MAVIR Zrt, APG, Compania nationala de transport alenergiei electrice Transelectrica, Croatian Transmission System Operator Ltd, Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Operatori Sistemit Transmetimit, Fundación CIRCE BME, UPB, UNIZG-Fer, Smart Wire Grid Europe, SEL España, STER Ltd, ED Luxembourg S.A., Monitec GmbH, Cintech Solutions Ltd, IEIT, Software Company Ltd, ME Innovations, C & G SKUPINA, Weather2Umbrella, Tech Inspire LTD, HSE, Uniper Hungary Kft., Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange, BOR, HUPX Zrt.