Relevant project information


January 2020 - December 2022

Project website


Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


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Description and objectives

The ENERISLA initiative, recognized by the CDTI as a Cervera Network of Excellence, aims to develop the necessary technological capabilities to start up isolated 100% renewable microgrids and, taking advantage of the development of the energy system as well as the ambitious climate change policies that many Autonomous Communities have already undertaken, to bring to companies in the Spanish electricity market both the knowledge and the new solutions that will improve their competitiveness in this new energy scenario.

The Cervera ENERISLA network has been established with the aim of bringing together the research capabilities necessary for the development and achievement of isolated energy systems based on 100% renewable energy, for which technological development and knowledge transfer to companies and other relevant actors in the implementation of these energy systems is essential.

To this end, all the technologies developed by the group within the framework of the pillars and lines of activities mentioned above will be integrated in the ENERISLA Demonstrator.

Thanks to this, these developments can be validated in a simulated and controlled operational environment, thus avoiding possible failures or damages when demonstrating them in real operating conditions.

Value proposition

Finally, in addition to the technical objectives previously described in the various lines of activity of each pillar, the strategic objectives of the network are detailed below:

  1. Objective in technology transfer to relevant companies within the network.
  2. Objective to promote R&D&I through international opportunities.
  3. Objective in expansion of the network through its internationalization.
  4. Objective in knowledge transfer within the Cervera network.
  5. Objective in generation and dissemination of new knowledge
  • CIRCE will work on the development of “grid forming” control techniques that will provide some of the converters connected to the hybrid grid with voltage control, inertial response and primary frequency control capabilities.

    As a first approach, the State of the art of grid forming control techniques will be carried out. The subsequent activity will be the development of the grid forming control algorithm.

  • CIRCE will work on the development and simulation of SST (Solid State Transformer) device control techniques for use as a connection point in stand-alone DC and/or hybrid grids.

Project partners