

Relevant project information


September 2012 - September 2015

Project website

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

 Logo European Commission

Description and objectives

The proposed solution is to develop an on-line Life Cycle Assessment tool, specific to the wine production chain, which will allow producers to perform self-analysis of their manufacturing processes, in order to detect environmental impacts, burdens and costs for each of the production stages.

The consulting method will be tested by means of a support service aimed at 105 of the wine producers most committed to the project, who will also contribute decisively to the improvement of the tool.

It will also allow the creation of a database on practices, equipment and products used in the European wine sector.

Following this analysis, the tool will offer a series of techniques and options tailored to each case, to transform the winemaking process into a more efficient and environmentally friendly process.

In addition, the advisory methodology will also be developed taking into account the need to define rules and regulations for labeling. These labels will allow producers who have significantly improved the environmental impact of their products to be recognized by consumers through a specific logo applied to bottle labels and promotional literature.

Value proposition

The objectives pursued by Eco-Prowine focus on analyzing the life cycle of the wine production process in order to:

  • Minimize the environmental impacts of wine production: reduction of natural resources (water, raw materials), energy consumption, introduction of additives and co-additives, amount and impact of waste pollution and wastewater and environmental emissions (e.g. greenhouse gases, nitrates) in the winemaking process throughout its entire life cycle chain.
  • Promote the adoption and extensive application of Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing (hereafter LCA-LCC) methodology, which need incentives to penetrate the market in a meaningful way, in the winemaking process
  • Implement cost-effective measures and technologies to improve, among others, wastewater, energy consumption, solid and gaseous waste and resource management.
  • Develop a label for the assessed wine life cycle
  • Strengthening the environmental commercial attractiveness of European wine
  • Promote compliance with the applicable regulatory framework

CIRCE will be responsible for the coordination and management of the project and will take part in a large number of activities during its 3-year duration.

It will be in charge of the national implementation of the demonstration activities and will be the center providing the advisory service to manufacturers in Spain. In addition, it will contribute to the adaptation and improvement of the LCA-LCC tool, to the design of the labeling, and to the dissemination and diffusion activities in Spain and Europe.

Using our own methodology, we identify the environmental and socioeconomic risks of the materials that make up the products in order to issue eco-design recommendations, improve their recyclability and minimize manufacturing costs.

Project partners

Currently, and since 2020, ECO-PROWINE has been re-launched to develop a sustainability label and with it strengthen the competitiveness of wineries by implementing measures (technological and non-technological) profitable from an economic and environmental point of view.

More information on the ECO-PROWINE website.