

Relevant project information


January 2014 - June 2018

Project website

Project completed

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Ministerio de economía industria y competitividad logo

Description and objectives

The DONO-GREEN project was born with the intention of providing the company DONODARE, a leader in the corporate merchandising sector, with the necessary tools to know the carbon footprint impact of the products it sells through a life cycle methodology.

Thanks to the results of this methodology, it will be possible to promote measures to orient supply, production and distribution decisions towards a lower environmental impact, as well as to promote efficiency improvements in its internal and external processes.

The objective of this project focuses on the calculation, allocation and reduction of the carbon footprint of the products marketed by the company DONODARE, throughout the value chain of the company.

Value proposition

As a secondary objective, the differentiation of product features that go beyond the product itself (packaging, warranty, after-sales service, marketing, availability, recyclability or environmental improvements ...) and access to new sectors of national markets, but especially international, which are key to the competitiveness and survival of the company in the long term, and can open the door to expand the portfolio of customers with high levels of environmental requirements in their purchases.

CIRCE will be in charge of the creation of the tool that will allow to know the carbon footprint of DONODARE's products.

The tool will then be tested and validated, and DONODARE's employees will be trained in its use.

With the results obtained by the tool, CIRCE will be in charge of proposing a series of improvement measures to reduce the environmental impact of these products, providing support and technical advice to the company in the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

Project partners