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Description and objectives
BEYOND will offer a reference platform for Big Data management, as well as a set of advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) analytics tools that will allow obtaining derived data and intelligence from a combination of real building data and relevant data from external sources (batch and real time).
The BEYOND Big Data platform and AI analytics toolset will be associated with novel data sharing (intelligence) mechanisms that enable the integration of actors in a value chain, offering them the opportunity to acquire building data and advanced analytics, as well as build their own applications and solutions, to:
- Providing innovative energy services to the construction sector, while improving and enhancing their
- improving and enhancing its business operations and processes.
BEYOND will be validated in four large-scale demonstrators involving:
- Data collection from various building typologies, data sources, building systems and devices, and.
- Data exchange (intelligence) with various market players.
Value proposition
- Provide an innovative Big Data reference architecture and platform powered by building sector data (energy and non-energy) that effectively addresses complex building energy performance optimization, energy sector value chain interactions and enables innovative energy-as-a-service offerings, through experimentation with Big Data analytics, service composition, data sharing, asset reuse and value generation.
- Integrate existing Big Data technologies, tools and libraries with building industry legacy systems, external data sources, assets and ICT enabled components, accelerating the data management and analytics cycle to power the BEYOND platform, turning the 4 V's of big data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity) into value for stakeholders.
- Provide an innovative, secure, privacy-preserving and IPR-respecting framework for multi-party data sharing, driving initiatives between data owners and analytics providers.
- Enable the offering of innovative and value-added services that meet the emerging needs of the building and energy sector, effectively contributing to the short, medium and long-term goals for better, more sustainable and efficient operation of buildings, while facilitating the decarbonization of the energy system, the democratization of energy markets through the creation of integrated value chains and sustainable ecosystems of energy sector stakeholders, around the BEYOND Big Data platform and AI analytics toolset.
- Introduce novel collaborative business models driven by Big Data sharing and analytics services, benefiting the entire value chain of relevant stakeholders in construction and (additionally) for the energy domain as a whole.
- Provide a reference Big Data architecture and implementation for the construction data value chain, validated through a set of representative, large-scale, long-running demonstrators.
- Promote the adoption of the BEYOND solution as a next generation Big Data platform and AI analytics toolset for Energy-as-a-Service applications (based on data sharing) through intensive dissemination and knowledge transfer of project results towards stakeholders, reaching international audiences inside and outside the EU.
Project partners