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Role of CIRCE
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Description and objectives
Major wind turbine O&M challenges:
- Develop better wind farm O&M planning methodologies to maximize revenues.
- Optimizing wind turbine maintenance through component failure forecasting
- Develop new and more cost-effective strategies for Wind Energy O&M
These tasks have been divided into eleven objectives, assigned to the students as the subject of their R&D projects and doctoral theses.
Seven of the best European universities in wind energy and one Research Center (University of Oldenburg, National Technical University of Norway, Technical University of Munich, Loughborough University, University of Strathclyde, University of Castilla La Mancha and CIRCE), a large company in O&M services in the wind energy sector (Ramboll) and an SME that operates several wind farms (Ruralia) make up the group of beneficiaries that will cooperate with the partners.
The latter group is made up of an industry association (Associazione Empresariale Eolica), a University (Politecnico di Milano), three large companies in charge of wind farm operation (DNV GL, Dong Energy, Enel Green Power) and four wind energy technology suppliers (SGURR, INGETEAM, ALSTOM and SIMIS).
The AWESOME network aims to train 11 researchers in the field of maintenance and operation (O&M) of wind turbines to enable learning across the entire innovation value chain.
Value proposition
Leading EU O&M stakeholders will work together under the European Wind Energy Academy (EAWE) with the aim of designing learning programs that address the main R&D challenges in wind O&M while following up on the European Commission's predicted pipeline of wind O&M professionals.
The project will lead to 11 doctoral theses in wind turbine O&M addressing the needs of the wind sector.
- The consortium is led by CIRCE, which offers extensive experience in operation and maintenance, as well as in the management of international collaborative research and training projects.
- Doctoral Program in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency with the “Mention of Excellence”.
- Access to advanced measurement equipment for energy operation with high data rates.
Project partners
Universidad de Oldenburg, Universidad Nacional Técnica de Noruega, Universidad Técnica de Munich, Universidad de Loughborough, Universidad de Strathclyde, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, CIRCE, Ramboll, Ruralia, Asociación Empresarial Eólica, Politécnico de Milán, DNV GL, Dong Energy, Enel Green Power, SGURR, INGETEAM, ALSTOM y SIMIS