Relevant project information


January 2020 - December 2023

Project website

Role of CIRCE


Grant agreement number


Funded by

Logo CDTI Y Ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades

Description and objectives

A circular flow chart has been proposed, where all activity lines are permanently open -subject to periodic deliverables for progress monitoring-, encompassing a total of six main work packages.

Package 1: General identification of network applications with storage; identification of generic KPIs.

Package 2: Storage Technology Definition.

Package 3: Selection of Use Cases.

Package 4: Technology Development.

Package 5: Validation, Economic and Environmental Analysis.

Package 6: Transfer of Results and Identification of opportunities and cases of interest for the Spanish industry.

General Objective: The CERVERA NETWORK “ALMAGRID: Integral development of advanced Energy Storage technologies for grid applications” arises with the general objective of contributing to the achievement of the challenges posed through technological and market developments, related to electrical storage technologies that allow to ensure the required level of flexibility for the distribution and transmission of electricity.

Through a Strategic Plan of collaboration, the ALMAGRID NETWORK aims to enable the 4 Centers that comprise it (CIDETEC Energy Storage, Tekniker, Circe, ITE) to evolve from an initial situation of individual excellence, with partial scope in the business network to a final situation of reinforced excellence and coordinated efforts to maximize the impact of the results generated and position the NETWORK as a reference in the sector.   

Strategic positioning objectives:

  • Objective E1: Strengthening the research and development capabilities of CIDETEC Energy Storage, TEKNIKER; CIRCE and ITE technologies.
  • Objective E2: Increase the collaboration capacity in the network area.
  • Objective E3. Increase of the transfer capacity to the industry of the sector.
  • Objective E4. Increased dissemination capabilities
  • Objective E5. Increased training capabilities and talent attraction.
  • Objective E6. International positioning of the ALMAGRID NETWORK.

Value proposition

CIRCE considers that the ALMAGRID NETWORK and its interactions are aligned with its strategy as follows:

  • In electrical grids: generate a reference framework for the operation and evaluation of a large number of electrical storage technologies, including facilities for their testing and validation before reaching the market, thus allowing their integration into the grid.
  • In environmental assessment: to generate a database for battery use and end-of-life sufficiently large to be used by manufacturers in the evaluation of their technologies in order to improve their design.

Objectives of CIRCE's technological positioning in the ALMAGRID NETWORK

  • Objective T12. Define, model and validate use cases considered highly relevant for Cervera technology.
  • Objective T13. Generate a set of KPIs and variables for the evaluation of storage systems classified by importance and correlation.
  • Objective T14. Set up a laboratory for testing storage elements under real power grid simulations.
  • Objective T15. Upgrade of the environmental laboratory to cover battery end-of-life and waste management.
  • Objective T16. Generation of a database to calculate the environmental impact associated with the use and end of life of the technologies covered by the Cervera ALMAGRID network.
  • Objective T17. Development of a methodology to improve the design of batteries at their end of life through their environmental analysis.

Project partners