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Description and objectives
The AgroBioHeat project aims to produce a mass deployment of improved, market-ready biomass heating solutions in Europe. Biomass is a numerous, underexploited and local resource, which supports the achievement of European Energy and Climate targets, while promoting rural development and the circular economy.
AgroBioHeat actions will take place mainly in six EU countries (GR, ES, FR, RO, HR, UA; 5 EU28 + Ukraine), where extensive engagement actions are foreseen. Engagement and matchmaking actions will lead to trigger more than 80 biomass-to-heat initiatives, eight of which will be closely accompanied. To build confidence in market players, the project will detect more than 100 biomass success stories and twelve of them will be approached, documented, visualized and visited.
Simultaneously, the project will conduct more than 44 trials, covering different heating and biomass technologies to generate reliable data on their emissions and operational performance, and to showcase existing improved technologies to the market and the community. At the EU level, these results will contribute to the anticipated revision of the eco-design regulation for biomass boilers, while offering suggestions for appropriate emission limits in the 500 kW-1 MW range.
In this way, harmonization of EU legislation will be achieved. Strategic plans for biomass deployment for the heating market will be drafted and discussed with more than 240 policy makers in the six countries. Market promotion includes the presence of biomass at fifteen trade fairs and a dedicated observatory tool to visualize cases and technology.
Around 60 ESCO technicians and installers in the six countries will be trained to be ready to adopt mature biomass heating solutions. Social research capturing the perceptions of at least 3,500 people will feed into the formulation of a tailored dissemination campaign, with the aim of bringing biomass heating solutions to a wider audience.
Value proposition
The main objective of the AgroBioHeat project is to produce a mass deployment of improved, market-ready heating solutions running on biomass in Europe. Through its activities, AgroBioHeat aims to increase confidence in biomass, train local stakeholders to unlock the market and influence the development of the European and national framework in a way that is favorable for market acceptance of biomass heating solutions.
Actions will be mainly located in six European countries (GR, ES, FR, RO, HR and UA; 5 EU-28 + Ukraine) where the aim is to create a broad national movement by engaging, aligning interests and creating policies, financial and social conditions that favor the expansion of biomass heating. At the EU level, specific policy recommendations on the efficiency and emissions of biomass heating solutions will be forwarded to relevant bodies for the development of new regulations.
Project partners