TSS (Technical Supervision Standard) tests
In Spain, it is now essential that each of the technical requirements applicable to a renewable generation plant for its connection to the electrical grid be certified under the compliance with the TSS (Technical Supervision Standard). Our testing laboratory, certified by ENAC for carrying out simulations, can assist you in this process.
Description of the service
In Spain, it is essential that each of the technical requirements applicable to a renewable generation plant for its connection to the electrical grid be certified under compliance with the TSS (Technical Supervision Standard - in Spanish: NTS -). There are two ways to achieve this:
- Either through conducting tests and simulations for each of the requirements at the plant level by an accredited entity;
- Or through certificates for the plant's equipment, supplemented with additional simulations.

Service accredited by ENAC/ILAC at international level. You can consult in the following link our scope of accreditation.
The CIRCE testing laboratory, certified by ENAC, has the capability to assist in this mandatory process by conducting the simulations required by the TSS published by Red Eléctrica de España.
The TSS establishes the procedure for evaluating the grid connection requirements indicated in Royal Decree 647/2020 and Ministerial Order TED/749/2020 and must be applied to all generation systems, especially renewable ones like wind and photovoltaic.
In Spain, new generation plants must have the 'MPE Certificate' to obtain the FON. The requirements to be met are detailed in the TSS (Technical Supervision Standard).
Some of these requirements are:
- Evaluation of reactive power
- Modes of reactive power control
- Power-frequency regulation modes